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Why does it feel as though my heart is slipping away? It is his eyes—those mesmerizing orbs that draw me in, their depths revealing that he is poised to become my inaugural infatuation within these hallowed halls.

A mere trifling of three months has passed since I embarked upon my academic journey in the realm of software engineering, a decision born of a bittersweet revelation during my collegiate days. Chemistry had beckoned me initially, but alas, my grades had failed to dance in harmony with my aspirations, leading me to gracefully pirouette toward the alluring domain of software engineering.

Now, as the autumn leaves gracefully descend from the heavens, I find solace amidst the vast expanse of the university library—a sanctuary of knowledge and solitude. Its grandeur surrounds me, as I navigate through the labyrinthine aisles, each lined with bookshelves that bear the titles of different realms of wisdom.

To my left, the Literature section stands tall, housing the works of celebrated authors and poets, their words echoing through the hallowed halls of academia. On my right is the Engineering section, yes my major which I chose not sure where it would lead me.

I meander past the English and art books, their covers vibrant with creative expression and the brushstrokes of artistic minds. The Psychology section beckons, promising glimpses into the intricate workings of the human mind and the complexities of the human experience. Each shelf holds its secrets, its own stories waiting to be discovered.

Yet, amidst this sea of knowledge and intellectual prowess, I find respite at an empty table—an oasis of tranquility amid bustling literary activity. The worn, polished surface bears the imprints of countless scholars who have sought solace and enlightenment in its embrace. I took a seat at the extreme corner of the library and put my laptop on the table.

As I settle into my chair, the scent of aged paper caresses my senses, intermingling with the faint whispers of rustling leaves, carried through open windows by the gentle autumn breeze. The air itself seems to hum with the wisdom of countless generations, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of wistful tranquility. Sunlight filters through the tall windows, casting a warm golden glow upon the pages before me, illuminating the journey of knowledge that lies ahead.

Around me, the library hums with activity, albeit subdued. Students peruse the shelves, their fingers trailing along spines as they search for the key to their intellectual pursuits. The occasional murmur of conversation blends harmoniously with the soft shuffling of pages, creating a symphony of scholarly endeavors.

And yet, despite the presence of fellow learners, I find solace in my solitude, lost in the world of academia that unfolds before me. It is in this ambiance, amidst the towering bookshelves and the symphony of intellectual exploration that I embark upon my task. The weight of pen and paper, laptop and notes, grounds me in the present moment, while the vast reservoir of knowledge beckons me towards new horizons of understanding.

As I delve into my lab report, the lines blur between the physical and the cerebral, between the autumnal beauty outside and the beauty of discovery within. In this precious interlude, I am reminded of the privilege bestowed upon me—the privilege to learn, grow, and be part of the collective pursuit of knowledge within the sacred confines of this university library.

In this haven of wisdom, there are but a few souls traversing the labyrinthine aisles, their presence subdued like the hushed secrets contained within the pages. And yet, fate weaves its tapestry as a young man, a stranger to me, gracefully glides into the scene.

He takes his seat beside me, as though orchestrated by some unseen hand. I cast a curious glance in his direction, for his presence is an anomaly—unbeknownst to me, a face not familiar from my classes or the corridors I tread. But it gave me chills more chills than wind coming from the window beside me.

Unbeknownst to my heart, our paths intertwine as fate plays its hand. It is not mere happenstance that he finds himself beside me. As I glanced around, I noticed the reason why he sat there because his group of friends were sitting at the table left to me and there was no seat left, leaving him with no choice but to seek an alternative spot. And that spot happens to be the empty chair at my table. First I thought of leaving this place and grabbing another spot the daunting workload before me compelled me to remain and see it through to completion.

My work is mostly on the laptop writing programs and solving different problems. So, somehow I can see him blur in front of me. Dressed in a sleek black polo shirt, he carries an air of effortless style. His dark, tousled hair, though slightly rugged, complements his facial features flawlessly. His eyes, large and round, share the same captivating proportions as his generous lips.

His eyes, a deep black, contrast beautifully with his fair complexion. When he took his place directly across from me, he casually set his black sunglasses on the table alongside his laptop. It's not a sunny day outside, but a brisk wind ruffles the surroundings. The sunglasses suggest a penchant for flair, perhaps a touch of showmanship.

He delves into his laptop tasks, and our glances unexpectedly converge, confirming my earlier observation of his striking eyes. A shiver courses through my body as he catches me in the act of staring. But really, what else could be expected? His face is a masterpiece, and his physique exhibits a perfection that's hard to ignore. I gather my composure and reluctantly return my focus to my laptop screen. Yet, I sense his lingering gaze, a magnetic pull that refuses to wane.

Just as my unease intensifies, a noise emanates from a nearby table, drawing his attention to the right. It's one of his friends, and in that moment, a welcome wave of relief washes over me. His voice manages to break through as he turns to his friends and follows up with the conversation. This was the time I discovered he was in the same major as me and they were attempting the same manual.

They are now discussing one of the questions from the manual and as the sound of his voice, a gentle inquiry, reaches my ears, I prompt a response immediately. "The diamond writing program?" I repeat, seeking confirmation. And in that fleeting moment, he nods in acknowledgment, confirming our shared pursuit. With a sense of purpose, I extend my hand, offering the solution he seeks—unaware of the ripples it will create.

His chest possesses the commanding presence of a true gentleman, while his arms exude strength, the veins beneath the skin hinting at a dedicated fitness regimen. On his left wrist, a notable and undoubtedly expensive watch catches my eye. As he finishes reviewing, he lifts his gaze, ready to return the sheet to me.

However, he catches me admiring his watch, leading to a momentary hesitation on his part. After a second's pause, he hands the sheet back, and I swiftly redirect my focus to it. Then, his voice breaks the silence with a polite "Thank you." My eyes dart to him, finding his gaze locked onto mine, patiently awaiting my response. At that moment, I came to realize that our interaction might be nearing its end. I muster a smile and reply, "Most welcome."

He assumes our exchange has concluded and looks down, perhaps pondering the same thoughts as me. I, however, secretly hope for more conversation, although I understand the limitations of this chance encounter. After all, we are but strangers, bound together briefly by shared majors, with no guarantee of another meeting, despite my silent wish that fate might have other plans.

In this unexpected encounter, I realized that the empty chair at my table was not just a vacancy waiting to be filled. It was a serendipitous invitation for connection, forged by circumstance and necessity. As we navigate the intricate dance of academia together, I can't help but wonder if this fleeting moment will mark the beginning of a deeper connection—an intertwining of destinies amidst the vast sea of knowledge that surrounds us.

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