03 - " Vatos " (🩸)

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  I talked to Leon, " remember momma? And pappa? " I asked in a baby voice as he giggled watching my finger, while we sat up ontop of the R.V. with Dale.

" Mavis you should get some rest.. " Dale told me and I shaked my head no, " not until Glenn gets back safe and well " I told him, playing with my baby brother Leon, watching his giggling and wiggling." Dale what's wrong? " I asked looking at him holding his binoculars and staring at Jim holding an object," stay right here.. I'll have Jacquie come up and talk with you " He said, climbing down the latter as I nodded.

I continued playing with the baby, kissing his forehead while Jacquie came up,
" cutie huh? " She said referring to Leon and I nodded smiling, glancing down at all of the fish Andrea and Amy caught,
" woah!! That's a lot of fish! But I don't really like it " I said looking at Jacquie, as she chuckled." well can't be to picky, don't worry! You'll end up liking fish " Said Jacquie smiling at me.

I smiled back, feeling a warm feeling in my heart.. I look at her kinda like a mother, " your right! Can't be to picky.. I think Leon's hungry!" I said climbing down with Leon in my arms, (JACQUIE AS A MOTHER FIGURE!? 😋) Getting down, I walked into the R.V. getting a container of baby food and opening it.

" it says green beans and carrots.. With chicken! " I said grabbing a spoon and taking a spood full and feeding him.
" is it yummy? " I asked in a baby voice while hearing footsteps walk into the R.V. " did you see the fish!? " Carl asked while I was in the middle of talking in a baby voice.
" such a cutie! Enjoying your- " I stopped hearing Carl's question and getting embarrassed," y-yeah. " I said looking forward at Leon who was smiling," I don't care you we're baby talking? It was cute! You trying to talk with your baby brother " Carl said smiling and looking at Leon to," thank you.. He's just eating right now " I said smiling before giving him another spoon full of Green Beans,Carrots and Chicken.

I watched as Dale pointed Shane towards Jim and where he was, causing me to put down the baby food and grabbing Leon, following Carl out of the R.V. looking in the away of Jim. He was just digging holes, I followed behind everyone as they started to walk towards him kissing Leon on his head and walking next to Jacquie.

" hey Jim, why don't you hold up and give me a second here." Shane said towards Jim as Jim spoke back " what do you want?" I stared at the holes and started to count how many, " we're all just a little concerned here, that's all "

" Dale says you've been doing this for hours " Morals adds getting Dale a look from Jim. " so?" Jim asked before I heard a small cry from Leon, " still hungry..."
I mumbled slowly starting to walk down but catching the attention of Jacquie and she nodded giving me approval of going down.

" baby Leon still hungry? " I say smiling while walking down the hill, talking with him in my baby voice and letting him play with my finger. After a bit Jim woke up, Shane cared water over to him as I stood up l we leaving Leon to sit next to Lori.

" you okay Jim?" I asked squeezing a rag then putting it on his head. " cool come on Sophia! " Carl said after Shane asked who wants to clean fish and stuck my tongue out. " Jim.. In your dream was Glenn okay? " I asked, he looked at me before looking over at Leon it seemed.

" yeah.. He was alright " I smiled happily before waving bye and walking away, towards Shane and him cleaning the fish.

" do we eat the eyes? " I asked confused watching Shane descale the fish, causing him to chuckle then said, " no, we don't have to. " He said before continuing his job." I built up the rocks all around so the fire and be hire and the flames and be hidden! " Morales explained while came towards them," that's really smart!! " I said looking at it.

" pass the fish please! " Someone asked before I sat down holding Leon, " hungry Mavis?" Jacquie asked me when I shaked my head no, just waiting for Glenn to be back, safely.

" I've got to ask man, it's been driving me crazy "  Morales says to Dale, he asked
" what? " that watch " I tunned out after that, not caring about there talking anymore.

All I could hear was my own thoughts. I just listened to myself happily. Just everyone being safe until the end of time. But of course all go things must come to an end.

Day dreaming. Mine came to an end as we heard screaming coming from all over the place corpses everywhere, I quickly pulled out my knife making sure nothing came close to Leon and Me, mumbling
" just found my family. Not gonna those them to these sicko freaks again" stabbing one in the head. Then passed Leon towards Lori who held him.

Pulling out my gun, shooting walkers in the head with Shane. " GLENN! " I screamed seeing him and the others back but no Merle, I watched as Andrea quickly ran over towards her sister and yelling oh god.

I grabbed Leon as Lori and Carl both ran towards Rick, Everyone holding there family, " Glenn. Its w-was so scary! "  I said looking around for my inhaler before I get an attack. " M-mavis? Wheres your inhaler " Glenn asked trying to find it as I started to have trouble breathing normally. After a while it was in my bag pocket and I just continued inhaling it trying to not cry at Amy and Andrea.

Or anyone else who died, looking over at Jim while he spoke " I remember my dream now.. Why I dug the holes.." he finished as everyone looked around at the dead and blood bath around us. As Glenn held me and Leon making sure we were fine...


Fourth Chapter - 04 - " wildfire " (🔥)

Word count - 1041 😸

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