Chapter 16

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Naya's P.O.V.

She's so inconsiderate. I can't believe that she forgot our six month anniversary. I mean I know that she's been busy recording her album and everything but that gives her no excuse to forget our anniversary. I'm literally in shock right now this all feels like a bad dream that I can't wake up from.

Right now I just need to clear my head I need to go anywhere I just can't be here right now. I drove until I ended up on a plane headed to San Fransisco. I don't know why I chose San Fran I just did it was somewhere other than Los Angeles. At least my brother lives there i guess I'll go pay him a visit.

Demi's P.O.V

It's been over three hours and Naya hasn't come home and she hasn't called me yet. I was freaking out I didn't know what to do ugh why did I have to be so stupid. There was a knock at the door. I rushed to go answer it thinking it was Naya

Demi: Oh my gosh Naya I'm so so- oh it's just you nick

Nick: Wow nice to see you too

Demi: I'm sorry hey nick what brings you here

Nick: What can't a guy stop by to check on his best friend.

Demi: I guess so

Nick: Demi what's wrong

Demi: Nothing I'm fine

Nick: Demi I know you what's going on?

Demi: I forgot me and Naya's six month anniversary and then she got mad at me and she left and that was over three hours ago and I'm freaking out Nick I don't know what to do.

I hadn't even noticed I was crying until nick came over wiped my tears away and pulled me into a tight embrace.

Nick: Hey calm down it's going to be ok just breathe I'm sure she just went somewhere she'll be back tomorrow.

Demi; But what if she doesn't Naya has my heart in her hands and she doesn't even know it. I don't know what I'll do if she breaks up with me.

Nick: Demi don't think about the negative think about the positive Naya is crazy about you and you know it.

Demi: Yeah I guess

Nick: Ok I'm leaving call me if you need anything

Demi: Wait Nick can you stay tonight I don't trust myself to be alone right now.

Nick: Of course anything for you sweetie.

For the rest of the night me and Nick cuddled on the couch and watched movies waiting for that call from Naya that never came

Naya's P.O.V.

Naya's brother: Mija what are you doing here?

Naya: You know I hate when you call me that Erick

Erick: I don't care your my mija no matter what you think.

Naya: Whatever. Anyways I came here because me and my girlfriend got into an argument and I needed somewhere to clear my mind.

Erick: So you paid at least 300 bucks on a last minute plane ticket to clear your mind.

Naya: Yes Erick i just couldn't be in Los Angeles any longer.

Erick: ok sis come on we can talk over some tea.


I walked into Erick's cozy little loft he guided me into the living room and told me to sit on one of the couches.

Erick: Ok make yourself at home I'll be right back with our tea.


A few minutes later Erick was back with two cups full of tea he sat down next to me and handed me my cup.

Erick: So mija tell me what's going on.

Naya: Well she forgot our six month anniversary

Erick: What how could she forget your six month anniversary?

Naya: I don't really know she's been busy with her album and she forgot. Now that I think about it I think I over reacted

Erick: Well I don't think you are. Any anniversary you have should be top priority weather it be one week or one year.

Naya: I guess your right I just love her so much she's my world.

Erick: Well has she called you yet.

I pulled my phone out of my purse and checked it

Naya: Only 30 times

Erick: Well I think instead of being here you should be at home talking things over with her.

Naya: yeah I guess your right. But can I stay here for the night it's to late to get on a plane

Erick: Of course mija my home is always open to you.

We talked a little longer until we both got sleepy. Erick showed me to my room I was so exhausted. As soon as my head hit the pillow i fell asleep.

I didn't want to leave it at another cliff hanger but this chapter sort of happened. Anyways I decided to update earlier I figured you guys deserved it hope you guys like it. Comment if you guys have any ideas or shoot me a quick message I'm always open to change. Enjoy.


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