Chapter 18

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Naya's P.O.V.

I was sitting in a hotel room just thinking. Thinking about how my life has changed so much in the past year. How I went from a bad relationship with Sean to a great relationship with Demi to now sitting in a hotel room alone. Why does the happen to me. I was deep in thought when my phone brought me out of my trance. It was a text message from Sophia.

Text conversation
N: Naya
S: Sophia

S: Hey Naya how are you doing ?
N: I'm doing great how about you.
S: I'm doing great also but I was texting you to see if you wanted to hang out sometime.
N: Yeah that sounds great how about right now we can meet at that coffee shop on 6th street.
S: Ok sounds great it's a date.
N: Ok it's a date see you then.

Demi's P.O.V.

I can't believe Naya broke up with me this is the worst and I can't even do anything about it because i leave for my tour today. How am I supposed to focus on my tour when my heart feels like its being stepped on. I was currently at my managers office waiting for my tour bus to arrive. I didn't even realize that paparazzi had gotten into the office until I heard someone call my name.

Paparazzi 1: Hey Demi are you and Naya officially over since your not taking her on tour.

Paparazzi 2: Yeah it sure looks like she moved on we've got pictures of her on what looks like a date.

Demi's Manager: Ok Demi come on don't listen to them your tour bus is here.

I let her take me to my tour bus where I went straight to my room I told everyone I needed to be alone. Had she really moved on. It hadn't even been two days and she was already on a date. I love my career I really do but sometimes I just wish I wasn't famous so maybe I could have a normal life with normal relationships. Before I knew it I had thought myself into a deep sleep.

Naya's P.O.V.

Me and Sophia were at the coffee shop having an amazing time but the whole time I was with her I couldn't stop thinking about Demi. I miss her. Sophia said something that brought me out of my thoughts.

Naya: I'm sorry did you say something.

Sophia: Yeah I said are you ok you seem a bit out of it.

Naya: If I'm telling you the truth no I'm not ok I just can't stop thinking about Demi.

Sophia: Demi as in Demi Lovato.

Naya: Yeah she was my girlfriend.

Sophia: Was as in you guys aren't together anymore.

Naya: No we're not we broke up a couple of days ago but I really miss her.

Sophia: then why are you here with me instead of being with her trying to patch things up..

Naya: Because she's going on tour. And I'm tired of being the one who try's to fix our relationship.

Sophia: Well you want to know something.

Naya: What

Sophia: I think the only reason that you even agreed to go in this date with me is because you knew the paparazzi would show up. And I think your just trying to make Demi jealous.

Naya: No that's not the reason at all I like you I do.

Sophia: Yeah you may like me but you love Demi and you always will.

I didn't even know what to say. We had just met but I was like she knew exactly what I was thinking.

Sophia: I had a nice time with you Naya and I hope we can be friends maybe even more. Call me but only when your sure that your over Demi.

And with that she got up and left. I don't think I will ever be over Demi I love her and I know she loves me.

Hey guys it's your author here I hope you guys enjoy this update. The next chapter should be up in two days. Follow me on Twitter @demifanfics_ so you guys can know for sure. I love you guys to pieces. Have a great day. Enjoy.

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