New York Part 1

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Y/N- "Okay, well Im off to History." *Y/N says to her sister Kiley and her two friends Skylar and Grace.*
Grace- "Oh come on, n/n. Theres like 4 minutes of passing period left." *Grace says, in total they have 7 minutes each passing period.*

Y/N- "I think the new girl's in my class, just wanted to introduce myself and stuff."
Kiley- "You?" *Kiley says unbelievably.*
Y/N- "What?"
Skylar- "No offense y/n, but sometimes you choose a cold greeting.."

Y/N- "What? I do not." *Y/N scoffs not believing them.* "Im gonna go, see y'all later." *Y/n says as she gets to her history teacher's door, she sees Danny and Nathan.* "Hey Danny."
Danny- "Oh! Hi y/n."

Y/N- "Whose this?" *Y/n asks.*
Danny- "Oh, this is Jackie. Jackie this is y/n. Y/N's one of our closest friend, to all of us. Sometimes she comes over and helps Isaac with homework or help Jordan with his camera. Y/N this is Jackie, our moms best friends daughter, who came to live with us." *Danny says.*
Jackie- "Hi" *Jackie says kindly, y/n replying with hello.*

Danny- "Well good luck." *Danny says to Jackie.* "You know shes the new girl, can you look out for her?" *Danny whispers to y/n as jackie enters the classroom and goes to over to Alex.*
Y/N- "Sure, now go to class, you're gonna be late." *Y/n says giving him a small smile and goes to her seat who is in front of Alex.*

Alex- "Hey y/n, have you met Jackie?" *Alex asks as I sit down in my sit.*
Jackie- "Yes, we have."
Y/N- "Yep, Danny introduced us to each other." *Y/n says as their teacher begins to speak, she takes out her history textbook.*
Teacher- "All right, everybody. Settle down, take your seats. It seems we have a new student in class, Jackie, can you stand up and tell us something about yourself?" *The teacher asks her, as everyone turned to face her. Y/N noticing Jackie being uncomfortable with all eyes on her.*

Jackie- "Ummm, okay. Hi, Im Jackie Howard, and I just moved here from New York." *Jackie says while standing up.*
Teacher- "And what brings you from the Big Apple to Silver Falls?"
Jackie- "I..." *Jackie started trying to find the right words to say. Y/N gives Alex the 'help her out' look.*

Alex- "Change of scenery," *Alex started as he quickly stood up.* "You know, just getting some of that good old country air. Right, Jackie?" *Alex says as Jackie smiles.*
Teacher- "Thank you, Jackie. All right then, everyone make Jackie feel welcomed. And turn to page 57 in your textbooks." *He says as everyone does as their told, y/n included.* "Paige? Can you read the first paragraph?"
Paige- "Yeah." *Paige responded as she glanced at Y/N and Alex.* " 'The Treaty of Versailles was signed...' " *She started.*


Kiley- "Y/n, are you gonna sit with us during lunch?" *Kiley asks referring 'us' to her, Skylar and Grace.*
Y/N- "Yeah, for sure. I just gotta ask Isaac something."
Grace- "God, are you finally going to make a move?"
Y/N- "Its not really a move.."

Skylar- "Girl, what are you asking him?" *Skylar says as Y/n takes out her camera for her Photography class.* "Oh, honey, no."
Y/N- "What? Im making progress. I mean we've always been close, he doesn't know."
Grace- "Yeah, not yet."

Y/N- "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Gonna go, see you guys in 10." *Y/n says as she pulls out her phone to text Isaac.*

Y/N- 'Hey'
Isaac- 'Hey whats up?'
Y/N- 'Can I meet you at your locker?'
Isaac- 'Sure, whats up?'
Y/N- 'I have to ask you smth.'

*Y/n sends the text and meets Isaac at his locker.*
Isaac- "Whats up?" *Isaac asks noticing her camera.* "Seriously? Again?" *He says annoyed.* "You cant ask Cole or Alex?"
Y/N- "Well you're better looking." *Y/N says but he doesn't answer.* Please? If I don't do this project, my grade will drop." *Y/n begs him clinging onto his arm.*

Isaac- "Fine, but if anyone asks say you paid me 5 bucks to do it and that you said Im better looking than Cole and Alex."
Y/N- "Deal, also you're annoying."
Isaac- "Whats your project even about?"
Y/N- "I have to recreate old Photographer's photos. For me, mine took portraits and landscapes, but they edited them into black and white."

Isaac- "Okay. You wanna come to their house?" *Isaac asks referring to the Walters house.*
Y/N- "Are you sure? I feel like Katherine and George are annoyed of me, since Ive been coming over alot."
Isaac- "No, you're good. What time you wanna come?"

Y/N- "I think I might hangout with Grace and Skylar after school to somewhere, maybe after that I'll have Grace drop me at your place?"
Isaac- "Yeah, for sure. Just text me."
Y/N- "Okay, see you later?"
Isaac- "See you"


a/n: hey guys! first part of this isaac garcia! i hope you liked it! please no hate comments or messages. <3 next chapter will be out in 1-2 days!

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