The Cole Effect Part 2

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A/N: HEYYYY! Were backkkk! Hope yall enjoy!! So sorry for making you guys wait for so long, next chapter will be out in 1-3 days. Thank you guys for over 1000 reads, this is insane. Thank you so muchh



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*Y/n was with Skylar, Jackie and Grace, Skylar was making a sign for the 'Silent Auction.' In Jackies room.*
Jackie- "So, Tony's is in for give premium oil changes and Kiley just texted and said Monty's wants to donate an entire month of free pizza. I wasn't expecting this level of support. Everyone here is much friendlier than back home."

Grace- "Okay, so, when are we gonna take a break? Do something fun?"
Jackie- "If this auction falls even a dollar short of our goal, you know Erin will hold it over my head until we graduate."
Y/N- "Yeah, so you might as well have some fun now."

Jackie- "Thank you for the vote of confidence."
Grace- "Its just I had to agree to work a church barbecue tomorrow to even be here tonight, so if you could humor me? Please? Okay, Y/N, Uh kiss, marry, kill.... Isaac, Cole and Danny"
Y/N- "And on that note, Im going to Isaac."

Grace- "Wait no don't leave me with them!" *Grace whined and complained.*
Y/N- "Sorry girl, Im out. Later Jackie and Sky."
*Y/n told the two as she leaves Jackie's room and bumps into Alex.* "Oh Im so sorry Alex."
Alex- "Its okay, we used to bump into each other like this all the time. Whatcha doin here?"

Y/N- "I was hanging out with Jackie, Grace and Skylar. But umm do you know where Isaac is?"
Alex- "He's downstairs." *Alex says to y/n and she smiles in thank you and he smiles back with his little dork smile. Y/n heads downstairs and saw Cole and Danny sitting on the couch.*

Danny- "Hey n/n!" *Danny whispered shouted to her.*
Y/N- "Hey Dan Dan" *Y/n says to him.* "Hey Cole."
Cole- "Hey. Isaac you're girlfriends here" *Cole whispered yelled to Isaac who was in the kitchen.*

Isaac- "Shes not my girlfriend!" *Isaac whispered yelled to Cole.* "You're still here? I thought you went home already."
Y/N- "I was up in Jackies room." *Y/n says to Isaac as she locks eyes with Cole for a second and her eyes land back on Isaac's.* "Are you going to bed?"

Isaac- "Not yet." *Isaac says to her as the two older Walters stare at them, as the girl and boy stand in awkward silence for a minute.* "Wanna go outside?"
Y/N- "Sure" *Y/n says as she follows Isaac out the door and they close the front door and sit on the porch admiring the stars together. When she got a text from her mother.*

Mommy💓- Are you staying at the Walters tonight?
You: Yes mom, I love you. See you tomorrow.
Mommy 💓- Alright see you, be safe. Love you 😘

*You guys are sitting like this on the porch

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*You guys are sitting like this on the porch.*

Y/N- "Sorry, my mom texted."
Isaac- "Its okay" *Isaac says as he puts his arm around y/n's shoulders and pulls her close.*
Y/N- "Isaac?" *Y/n said his name and looks at him.*
Isaac- "Yeah?" *Isaac responds looking at y/n, the two looking at each other in the eyes.*

Y/N- "Were friends right?" *Y/n asked as Isaac took about two minutes to respond. During that two minute time span, the two kept eye contact.*
Isaac- "Well yeah.." *Isaac says.*
Y/N- "Only friends? Nothing... more?"

*Y/n asked him as he leaned in and they kissed, y/n kissed back. Oh my god. My first kiss is Isaac Garcia?? Y/n thought. They were interrupted by the sound of y/n's phone dinging because of Jackie's text. She went to check and they turned their heads once they heard a creak from the door it was Grace.*
Jackie🩵 - hey girl, wanna sleepover in my room?

Grace- "Oh uh, hey guys.." *Grace said awkwardly.* "I was just uh leaving.."
Isaac- "Hey Grace.." *Isaac says awkwardly back, as she walks to her car.*
Y/N- "You didn't see anything.. right?" *Y/n asked her as she approached her car.*
Grace- "What are you talking about?

Y/N- "Nothin, um get home safe. Text me when you do." *Y/n told her as Grace smiled and nodded and got into her car, she waited for Skylar and drove off.* 
Isaac- "So..."
Y/N- "So..."

*The two said awkwardly as they stood up.*
Y/N- "Im gonna head up to Jackie's room.." *Y/n said awkwardly to him.*
Isaac- "Okay" *He responded.*
Y/N- "Ok-okay, see you in the morning?"
Isaac- "Yeah, see you-" *Isaac says as he has his hand out to do their handshake, y/n on the other hand went in for a hug. The two just high fived each other and y/n immediately went to jackies.*


Jackie- "Oh hey girl, glad to see you got my text." *Jackie says as y/n immediately closes Jackies door, Jackie recognizes how shaken up she is.* "You okay?"
Y/N- "No? Yes? Not really..."
Jackie- "What's up?"

Y/N- "Um.." *Y/n says nervously as she sits on the chair in Jackies room and her leg starts to bounce.*
Jackie- "You can talk to me, its just us."
Y/N- "Please don't freak out.."
Jackie- "Of course."

Y/N- "Me and Isaac kissed.."
Jackie- "WHAT!?" *Jackie exclaimed as y/n groaned.* "Sorry. So are you guys dating now?"
Y/N- "I don't know" *Y/n says as she flops onto Jackies bed.* "Were moving too fast, you know? If I get heartbroken.. I don't think I can ever recover as I did before.." *Y/n says getting up.*

Jackie- "What do you mean?" *Jackie asked curiously sitting next to y/n on her bed.*
Y/N- "Well.. um. Im sure no one at school remembers.. besides well Paige and Erin.." *Y/n started as Jackie listened to her.* "In the summer, me and Cole were a thing. But I got to go to California for Photography stuff, when I came back.. Paige stole him from me. I was on campus going to Cole and well saw them kissing.." *Y/n explained, leaving Jackie in shock.*

Jackie- "Wow, y/n. Im sorry that happened to you, you don't deserve it." *Jackie apologized to her.*
Y/N- "Thanks, Jackie.."
Jackie- "So.. what are you gonna do with Isaac?"
Y/N- "If Im going to be completely honest.. I really like him, I do. I just don't think I can handle another heartbreak."
Jackie- "I understand that in someway, we should get some rest, its late."

Y/N- "Yeah, we should." *Y/n says going to the other side of the room, to her bed.*
Jackie- "Night n/n".
Y/N- "Night J." *Y/n said and turned off her lamp, laying there thinking about Isaac.*

A/N: Hey y'all, lemme know if Im moving too fast with Isaac. In the next couple of chapters your character will be interacting with a certain Walter boy, comment your guesses before the next chapter😛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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