Live a Little Part 1

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a/n: hi everyone! im sorry i couldn't upload this chapter over the weekend like i said in the comments if you saw or not. I've been really busy with school and this week you might have to wait a little longer for the new chapters due to me focusing on my classes for finals next week. i hope you guys understand. i will get these out asap! anyways welcome to episode two!!

and thank you for 400+ reads 💕


*Last night when y/n was in the bathroom, she stumbled upon Danny, who offered to take her home, where she is now in the morning. Hoping that her mom wouldn't catch her coming home late, but she got yelled at in the morning.*


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(outfit and hairstyle , you can change if you want)

Mom- "Y/N!?" *Her mother yelled at her causing Kiley to come out her room as well.* "Where were you last night?! I was worried sick!"
Y/N- "Mom, I asked Kiley to tell you."
Mom- "Tell me what, exactly?"

Kiley- "Mom, I told you that y/n went to the Walters House and stayed over late to work on schoolwork and homework with Isaac remember?"
Mom- "Yes, but who took you home?"

Y/N- "Danny did." *Y/n started as her mother was about to speak but she answers her questions.* "Yes he has his licenses" *Y/n says taking her phone out and showing his DL with his picture and personal information.*
Mom- "Fine, I will allow you to go there when Im not home. Send my thank you's to Katherine and George for me."

Y/N- "Yes, I will. Kiley you ready?"
Kiley- "Yup lets go" *Kiley says as they goodbye to their mom and goes out to their car that they share.* "Are you driving? or me?"
Y/N- "Me for sure" *Y/n says chuckling as they get into the car and buckle up as they drive they listen to Taylor Swift.*

Im drunk in the back of the car, and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar! Ohh! Said Im fine but it wasn't true, I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you!! And I snuck out through the garden gate, every night that summer, just to seal my fate, oh!! Said Im fine but it wasn't true, I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you!

*The twins sung at the top of their lungs as 10 minutes went by and the song was Are You Bored Yet? By the Wallows when they pull up in the parking lot.*

Cause we could stay at home or watch the sunset
But I can't help from askin', "Are you bored yet?"
And if you're feelin' lonely, you should tell me
Before this ends up as another memory

*The song plays and they sing when y/n parks, as she sees Isaac waiting in the parking lot for her.*

Kiley- "Aw look its your sweet boyfriend" *Kiley teases a little loud and the windows are down but y/n quickly rolls them up.*
Y/N- "Oh shut up, he is not my boyfriend."
Kiley- "But you wish" *Kiley says as y/n gets her backpack from the backseat and Kiley gets out with hers and parts their ways.*

Y/N- "Did you wait long?" *Y/n asks Isaac as the freshman girls give y/n side eye when Isaac puts his arm her.* "Whats this?"
Isaac- "Nothing, just uh," *Isaac stutters.* "Where were you this morning?" *Isaac asked as they enter the school and made their way to Y/Ns locker.*

Y/N- "Oh, I went to the bathroom and ran into Danny last night it was like 4 in the morning. He offered to take me home."
Isaac- "Oh okay." *Isaac said as the bell had rung for first period.* "I'll see you during lunch?"
Y/N- "Yeah, bye Isaac"
Isaac- "See you" *Isaac says as he walked away he smiled to himself, y/n on the other hand rushed to class.*


*Y/n was with Danny after fourth period, their classes were near each other.*

Danny- "So y/n. You excited for senior year?"
Y/N- "Don't remind me, I hate being here." *Y/n said as they continue to walk the hall.*
Danny- "Yeah, not until you see Isaac."
Y/N- "Wait what?" *Y/n says unbelievably knowing she'd come to school for Isaac.*

Danny- "Oh come on, my brothers and I see the way you two look at each other."
Y/N- "What do you mean?"
Isaac- "Y/N!" *Isaac called to you down the hall, the two stared at each other for a minute and Isaac said bye to his friend.*
Danny- "Thats what I mean"

Y/N- "Wait what" *Y/n said again to Danny as Isaac walked up to y/n and threw his arm around her shoulders.*
Danny- "Hey Isaac" *Danny says smirking at the two moving his eyes back to Isaac and y/n and hints to Isaac.*
Isaac- "Dude stop, you're being weird." *Isaac says taking his arm off of y/ns shoulders and putting his hands in his pockets of his jacket.*

Danny- "Im not weird, you guys are weird." *Danny backfires at the two as they look weirdly at each other and then back at Danny.* "Im gonna go... bye guys" *Danny says as the two chuckles in the hallway.*
Ms. Jacobs- "Y/n and Isaac" *Ms Jacobs says who is their counselor.*

Y/N- "Hi Ms. Jacobs"
Isaac- "Sup"
Ms. Jacobs- "I seen that you two have gotten close and your attendance to class are failing."
Isaac- "So?" *Isaac says with a attitude and y/n slightly hits him.* "Ow!"
Ms. Jacobs- "If you keep it up, you'll end up in detention"

Isaac- "No biggie"
Y/N- "Yes biggie! Dude your uncle and aunt? Hello?"
Isaac- "Right.."
Ms. Jacobs- "Y/n, keep the two of you out of trouble otherwise this is a warning, you might have to end up in Saturday detention every weekend. Ok?"

Y/N- "Yes, Ms. Jacobs. Is that all?"
Ms. Jacobs- "Yep, just stay out of trouble" *Ms. Jacobs told the two as they smiled and walked away.*

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