Live a Little Part 2

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*Y/n was at her locker for her free period, when she closed her locker she saw Isaac talking to a cheerleader who she doesn't like. Her name is Sarah. Y/n hid around the corner, to listen in. Sarah always had it out for y/n since third grade, whatever y/n gets, Sarah wanted.*

Sarah- "Hey so um, are you and y/n dating?" *Sarah asks Isaac as he chuckles.*
Isaac- "Me and y/n? Are you crazy? We're just friends." So.. we really are just friends. *Y/n thought to herself.*
Sarah- "Really? You two are with each other 24/7, you always flirt."
Isaac- "Trust me, were just friends. Why are you even asking?"

Sarah- "Ohh. umm.. since you guys aren't together... would you want to go out sometime?" *Sarah asked shyly.*
Isaac- "Sure, when?"
Sarah- "Tonight?"
Isaac- "Sounds good"
Sarah- "Need a ride? Guessing Cole or Danny have stuff to do later"

Isaac- "Yeah, I'll call you."
Sarah- "Okay see yo-" *Before Sarah finished, y/n walked by them.* "Was she there the entire time?" *Sarah asked Isaac and he shrugged, Sarah went to class and Isaac followed y/n.*
Isaac- "N/n, wait up"

*Isaac shouts y/n walks faster and pretends she couldn't hear him, he catches up to her and stops her.*
Isaac- "Y/n" *Isaac says, y/n takes off her airpods.*
Y/N- "What?"
Isaac- "Did you hear anything?"

Y/N- "Not a single thing" *Y/n lies to him.*
Isaac- "You didn't hear a word?" *Isaac interrogates her.*
Y/N- "Nada, no escuhé nada" *Y/n spoke to him in Spanish, meaning 'nothing, i heard nothing.' Isaac knows when she speaks Spanish, shes mad.*
Isaac- "Está seguro? Suenas enojado." *Isaac tells her meaning 'Are you sure? You sound mad.' *
Y/N- "I'll see you later, I have to get to class." *Y/n says as she goes to the library instead.*


Y/N- "Kiley, hurry up. I don't wanna see Isaac." *Y/n rushed her sister and friends.*
Skylar- "Why? What happened?"
Y/N- "Sarah asked him out." *Y/n said as they walk to her car.*
Grace- "Well? What did he say?"

Y/N- "He said sure"
Skylar- "Maybe hes just being nice."
Kiley- "Okay y/n how do you know she asked him out?"
Y/N- "They were by my locker... and I sorta kinda eavesdropped on them." *Y/n said as her friends and sister stayed quiet as Isaac came up behind them.*

Isaac- "You eavesdropped on who?"
Y/N- "Nada! Vamos, vámonos a casa" *Y/n told her sister who looked confused.*
Kiley- "Why do you sound fluent?"
Isaac- "Who do you think taught her?"
Grace- "Why'd she talk spanish all the sudden?"

Isaac- "She does it when shes mad."
Y/N- "Oh hey Isaac"
Isaac- "Come over for dinner, I want to show you something." *Isaac says.*
Y/N- "But-" *Isaac pulls y/n with him to the car.* Kiley- "But- Y/n! Your keys!" *Kiley says as y/n throws it to her.*


*Dinner had come and y/n sat in the middle of Isaac and Lee so she can be next to Isaac. Y/n took a bite of her food and looked up and looking at Nathan, the two noticing how quiet and awkward it was.*

Y/N- "Did someone die?" *Y/n whispered to the twins as Lee was about to speak but the door opens to the sound of Coles voice.*
Cole- "Is there anything left? Cause I am starving." *Cole says coming into the kitchen with Jackie.*

George- "You know you're supposed to call if you're running late, right?" *George informs Cole who is followed by Jackie.* "I mean thats the whole reason you have the phone."
Katherine- "Where have you guys been?" *Katherine asks as y/n and jackie exchange small smiles at each other.*

Cole- "Yeah, we, uh, went to the watering hole." *Cole says.* "Lost track of time."
Jackie- "Listen, I-" *George politely interrupts Jackie.*
George- "Jackie, excuse me. Hey Cole, you know anything about a bet with Isaac this morning?"

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