New York Part 2

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*Our teacher had explained to us what to do for our lab experiment, y/n watched Jackie struggle to find a group.*

Y/N- "Sky, come on." *Y/n says to him encouraging him to talk to Jackie.*
Skylar- "Jackie, right? Hi, Im Skylar. You can join us if you want."
Y/N- "Hey Jackie."
Jackie- "Hi. So he knows my name?"
Y/N- "Everyone knows your name."*Y/n starts.*
Skylar- "Yeah, we don't get many newbies here."

*Skylar, Jackie and Y/n get on the experimental right away as Grace walks in late.*
Teacher- "Grace." *Our teacher says annoyed.*
Grace- "Sky, n/n! You know that new girl who was sitting with Cole Walter?" *Grace talking so fast.*
Skylar- "Grace-" *Skylar tries to warn but she keeps on talking.*

Grace- "Apparently her mom was some fashion designer, and she died six months ago in a car accident with her whole family." *Grace says as she looks at y/n, who is using her eyes to point out that Jackie is right next to her and Jackie turns around to Grace.* "It was really sad, actually."

Jackie- "Hi."
Grace- "Holy shi-"
Y/N- "What she means is sorry."
Grace- "Yeah, Im really super sorry, I didn't know you were right there."
Jackie- "Its fine."

*Grace looks at y/n and sky who were writing down the data from their experiment and quickly asked Jackie..*

Grace- "So, sorry, how do you know Cole?" *Grace asks Jackie super fast.*
Jackie- "I don't really know him, we only just met."
Grace- "Huh," *She said confusingly.* "And he just told you to sit with him?" *Grace questioned.*

Y/N- "Grace!" *Y/n says.*
Grace- "Sorry.."
Jackie- "He was just being nice." *Jackie says as Grace and Skylar laugh and Y/N letting out a chuckle.*
Skylar- "Okay, no. Cole Walter doesn't do nice."

Teacher- "Okay, enough. Y/N, Skylar, Grace, don't give Jackie your bad habits." *Our Chemistry teacher says as she walks over to our table.* "Jackie, I see you did really well in Chemistry at your last school. Maybe you can help these two focus, and give y/n some pointers."

*The period had ended, school had ended. The four had walked out of their Chemistry classroom together, meeting Kiley outside the room.*

Kiley- "Hey!" *Kiley said to them.*
Y/N- "Hey sis"
Grace- "Hey!"
Kiley- "You must be Jackie."
Jackie- "Right."
Kiley- "Im Kiley, y/ns fraternal twin." *Kiley greets her as they shake hands.*

Jackie- "Nice to meet you."
Kiley- "You moved in with the Walters, right?" *Kiley asked politely as they started to walk down the hall.*
Jackie- "Yes."
Grace- "Wait, wait, wait. What!?" *Grace exclaims.*

Kiley- "Alex told me." *Kiley says. Alex and Kiley have been best friends forever.*
Grace- "Jackie, you're like the luckiest girl in this whole school."
Kiley- "Grace!"
Grace- "What? I mean think about it, Jackies landed in boy heaven, okay?"

Y/N- "Oh here we go..."
Grace- "Theres... theres Danny with the actory-brooding thing going on. Theres uh Isaac, the cool dude, y/ns been very close with him." *Y/n groaned in annoyance at that comment.* "Alex, the bookish shy guy. Nathan, the musician. Lee, the edgy skater. And then, of course, theres.. theres Cole."

Jackie- "I don't get it, what makes him so special?"
Grace- "Okay, Jackie, Jackie. Look at me, look at me." *Grace says as the five of them stop in the middle of the hallway.* "Listen, you cant define it, okay? Its just the Cole Effect."

Jackie- "Really? The Cole Effect?" *Jackie says not believing it.*
Grace- "Yes, the Cole Effect, okay? Its why all the senior boys are like, 'Whats up, bro?' when they see him and why the freshman girls line the parking lot at 3:30 every day just to see him drive past." *The last sentence making Jackie quickly look at her watch seeing its 3:30 on the dot.*

Jackie- "I gotta go."
Kiley- "You came with Cole?"
Jackie- "Yeah." *Jackie says as she hurries outside, the four following her. Jackie tries to get the Walters attention but they don't notice and drive off without her. Y/n notices Isaac and the two make eye contact as him and his cousins drove away.*

Kiley- "Im sure they just forgot, they always get out real quick when class ends."
Grace- "Aw, Jackie, it's okay. I'll give you a ride. Kiley, are you coming?"
Kiley- "Uh, no, I've got work. Y/n can you tell mom for me?"

Y/N- "Yeah, I will. If you get home before me, I'll be taking pictures of Isaac for my assignment."
Jackie- "You got a job?"
Grace- "She has all the jobs." *Grace says as Kiley goes in the opposite direction of the four.*
Kiley- "Bye."
Y/N- "See you later, Kiles!"

Jackie- "Bye!"
Skylar- "Catch you later, Kiley!"
Grace- "Bye." *Grace says as the four walk to her car.*
Skylar- "Cole waits for no one."

Skylar- "Oh no"
Grace- "Okay, just keep going." *Grace says to Jackie trying to avoid the two.*
Erin- "There she is, hey! Jackie, right?" *Erin asked as her and Olivia went up to the three of them.*
Jackie- "Yep. Hi. Erin?" *Jackie says confused*

Erin- "Mmhm. Look, I don't know who you think you are or whatever, but just so you know, Coles only being nice to you cause his mom told him to."
Skylar- "Yeah, sounds like classic Cole."
Erin- "Trust me, Cole likes his girls a lot less vanilla, than Miss J. Crew over here. You should understand that, right y/n?"

*Erin asks, y/n stays silenced. In the summer, Cole and Y/N had a thing that was until Paige swooped in and took him from her. Ever since then y/n and Cole haven't talked, he didn't even apologize.*

Jackie- "It's Ralph Lauren." *Jackie corrects as Skylar sighs and rolls his eyes.*
Erin- "What?"
Skylar- " 'Keep your hands off my guy?' What happened to female solidarity?" *Skylar asked and all five girls looked at him knowing thats his cue to be quiet.*

Jackie-  "I don't know what the problem is, I'm not interested in Cole, and he's not interested in me either. Like you said, he was just being nice."
Erin- "Just watch it, I'm not buying this Little Orphan Annie act."
Jackie- "Clearly."
Erin- "Whatever" *Erin says and turns around to leave but Jackie stops her.*

Jackie- "Erin?" *Jackie called to her, Erin and Olivia turns around, Erin with a angry face.* "I love your bag, it looks almost authentic."
Erin- "It is authentic."
Jackie- "No, I don't think so. My mom designed a range for that brand, the leathers too thin and the logo should be stitched on the inside, not printed. Shall we check?" *Jackie asks as Olivia goes for Erins bag to see but Erin grabs on her purse. The four get into Grace's car. Grace and Kiley up front, Y/N and Skylar in the back.*

Y/N- "Oh my god, Jackie! You killed that."
Skylar- "Can you believe that just happened?" *Skylar and Y/n exclaimed as everyone started to put on their seatbelts.*
Grace- "That was insane!" *Grace exclaimed.*
Skylar & Y/N- "Right?!" *They both shouted at the same time.*

Grace- "You were like 'is it authentic?'"
Skylar- "Shes like, 'its Ralph Lauren'"
Y/N- "Oooh girl, Erin was pissedd" *Y/n said.*
Grace- "Right!?"
Jackie- "That was mean of me."
Y/N- "But she deserved it."

Grace- "Just stop, I actually think you deserve ice cream after that performance."
Skylar- "Yeah, lets go to Monty's."
Y/N- "Im down! On me by the way guys."
Skylar- "Jackie?"
Jackie- "Sure, I could go for some ice cream."
Grace- "Okay, then, lets go!" *Grace exclaimed.*


a/n: hi everybody, i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. this chapter is longer than the first, so the next one will be a bit short, since its finishing up the first episode of the show. chapters may be out faster, some may be slower. i apologize for that. hope everyone had a nice christmas and will have a happy new year !!


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