New York Part 3

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*Grace had drove Jackie and Y/n to the Walters residence after eating and gossiping at Montys.*
Skylar- "Don't forget the ice cream." *Skylar reminds Jackie handing her the bag.*
Jackie- "Yeah."
Grace- "Okay, have a good night. Y/n do you need a ride home later?"

Y/N- "Uhhh no its okay. Katherine might let me stay."
Jackie- "Thanks for the ride."
Y/N- "Oh yeah, thanks Grace."
Grace- "Yeah, which room is Coles?"
Skylar- "Grace, cut it out. Bye Jackie, Bye y/n."
Grace- "Yeah, have a good night with all those Walter boys, Jackie and y/n." *Grace says as the four parted ways with bye and Grace drove off.*

*Jackie and y/n came inside, Jackie looked at Cole furiously. Lee skated up to the two.*

Lee- "Hey y/n" *Lee greeted her and didn't say a word to Jackie and just looked at her.*
Y/N- "Hey Lee."
Jackie- "Im gonna go give this to Katherine."
Y/N- "Oh wait, let me come. I should say hi to her." *Y/n says as she follows Jackie into the kitchen seeing Nathan setting the table for dinner, and Parker and Benny.*

Katherine- "Ah, there you are." *Katherine says referring to Jackie.* "How was your day?" *She asks Jackie, seeing y/n behind Jackie.*
Jackie- "It was okay, I met some nice people."
Katherine- "Oh! Y/N! Long time no see" *Katherine says as she goes to hug y/n.*
Y/N- "Hi Mrs. Walter and Mr. Walter"
Katherine- "Oh please, call me Katherine."
George- "Hey!" *He called.*

Jackie- "Oh we brought this, y/n paid for it." *Jackie says handing her the bag of ice cream.*
Katherine- "Oh, thank you. Im gonna hide that in the freezer, don't tell anyone its there. Its just for us."
George- "Heard that!" *Mr. Walter shouted to Mrs Walter.*

Katherine- "Y/n what brings you here?"
Y/N- "He probably forgot to tell you, but Im here to take some pictures of Isaac. It's for my Photography Project."
Katherine- "Oh well, he's in the living room with all the other boys."
Y/N- "Oh yeah, I saw him when I came in."

Katherine- "Are you hungry? We're about to have dinner."
Y/N- "I already ate before I came here, but thanks for the offer."
Isaac- "Y/n? Sorry, I just got your text." *Isaac says. Though Isaac is the 'cool guy' with everyone else, he changes for y/n.*
Y/N- "Oh hey."
Isaac- "You can stay in my room for now, if you want."

Y/N- "Are you sure?" *Y/n asks him as George was about to say something but Katherine interrupts.*
Katherine- "Yes he's sure. I trust you two."
Isaac- "Okay, you remember where its at right?"
Y/N- "Yeah, see you in a bit?"
Isaac- "Yeah." *Isaac says as he walks y/n to the stairs.*


George- "Do you really think its a good idea for her to go in his bedroom?" *Y/n hears George.*
Katherine- "George they'll be fine. Y/n is one of the sweetest girl I've ever met, I don't think Isaac and her will do anything. Oh Jackie, sorry, where were we?"


*Y/N looked at Lee's side of the room, and saw a picture of Lee, Isaac and their father. When they were kids.*

Lee- "Looking for something?" *Lee asked y/n, which scared the shit out of her.*
Y/N- "Shit were you there the entire time?"
Lee- "Yep."

Y/N- "Um Yeah." *Y/n responded as the two stood in silence.* "Can I take some pictures of you?"
Lee- "Sure, I guess." *Lee says as y/n instructs him to stand by the wall and takes his portraits.* "Wow these look nice."
Y/N- "Thanks, if I keep it up I could travel around the world to different states or countries to take pictures next summer for a whole month and my summer would start a week earlier."

Lee- "Wow, thats cool. Can I come with?"
Y/N- "Definitely no-" *Before she could finish her sentence, y/n tripped from Lee's bed, luckily Lee caught her in time.*
Lee- "Are you okay?" *Lee says while holding her.*
Y/N- "Yeah Im fine, thanks for catching me."

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