The Cole Effect Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to episode 3 of 'You Belong With Me' !! Thank you for 600+ reads, Im glad you guys stayed to read it! I may be writing a Cole Walter book after this book is finished. What do you guys think?



*Y/n was at the Walters House still. Parker  had asked Cole to play football with her and Isaac is helping while Lee and Y/N were the 'announcers' . Isaac was wearing an orange tshirt with baggy jeans, Cole was wearing a white tshirt with jeans as well. Lee was wearing green pants and a sweater. Y/N was wearing baggy jeans with a white top, but she was covered because she was wearing Isaac's jacket from last night.*

Cole- "Perfect. Now, when theres a defender on you, you gotta stay focused because you gotta create separation. Okay? Take it easy, hike!" *Cole instructed Parker.*
Lee- "Number 19 was having a heck of a day until rookie Isaac Garcia stepped off the bench."

Y/N- "You gotta get open, Parker." *Y/n reminded her.*
Cole- "Yeah make him fake it."  *Cole threw the football Parker tried to get it but Isaac caught it instead.*
Lee- "And that's an interception!"
Cole- "Isaac, shes nine." *Cole reminded his cousin.*

Parker- "He's probably just showing off because y/ns here." *Parker joked making Lee and Y/N laugh.* "No offense Y/n." *Parker reassures knowing shes y/ns favorite of the Walters residence.*
Isaac- "Im not showing off, Im just too good."
Y/N- "Yeah whatever you say Garcia. Dont worry Parker you're still my favorite."
Isaac- "Hey! What about me?"

Y/N- "In your dreams Garcia."
Lee- "Oooh is rookie Isaac Garcia gonna stop talking to 'cheerleader' Y/N L/N or is he actually gonna play?" *A/n: we never really know Kileys last name so just put your last name for now, hopefully in the second season we know more about the other characters other than Jackie and The Walters.*
Isaac- "Shut up" *Isaac said to his twin.*
Parker- "Lets go" *Parker told the boys and y/n.*
George- "Hey! Good hustle out there, but time to hit the showers, all right?" *George shouts to the boys and Parker.*

Isaac- "Wanna race?" *Isaac asks Y/n running over to her.*
Y/N- "Please I can beat you in your dreams."
Isaac- "Okay whatever you say"
Lee- "On your mark. Ready, race!" *Lee yells as Isaac gets a head start.*
Y/N- "Hey! You guys cheated!" *Y/n says as she runs and still beats Isaac to the door.*

George- "Wow Isaac, you got a headstart and your girlfriend still beat you."
Isaac- "Uncle George, shes not my girlfriend. Plus I let her win."
Y/N- "Yeah right." *Y/n says as she watches Jackie observe Cole while he's talking to Parker. Y/n goes to talk to Cole but Jackie walks to him first and Parker throws the ball back at Cole, him staring at y/n.*
Isaac- "You comin?" *Isaac asked as she followed Isaac to the kitchen.*

George- "This is our worst infestation since, I don't know, '98 probably?" *George said while talking on the phone, Isaac, Y/N, Lee and Jackie all kept quiet.* "Well, if my old man would've adapted with the climate, maybe we wouldn't be looking at slashing and burning 20% of our crop. What? You're gonna try a pesticide? Its how much? Oh. No, were gonna have to think about it, cause we gotta do something. Hey, I gotta jump."

Jackie- "What does 'slashing' and 'burning' mean?" *Jackie asked the boys and y/n.*
Lee- "It means we set a fire to kill the pests."
George- "Its a last resort, all right. Hopefully, this new pesticide were talking about will kill the moths before they get down to the roots. Oh Hey Lee, I need you to grab that crate of apples and get it out to Will. Okay?"

Katherine- "Good morning Jackie," *Katherine greets her as she goes down the stairs.* "Oh, Good morning y/n."
Y/N- "Good morning" *Y/n responds.* "Oh shoot I need to grab my chargers" *Y/n says walking away from the table.*
Isaac- "Chargers?" *Isaac questioned as y/n went upstairs to his room and grabbed her things she needed and put them into her backpack.*

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