The Audacity Of Hope

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She looks at him like he's her home.
He looks at her like she's his salvation.
And neither of them is saying a word.



"Chain code!" The big bulky man in front of the nightclub was one clue, that Stone hadn't lied when he had said that everything was being reinforced around here. Naz held out her fake chain code, before nudging me.

My hands were clammy, but gladly did not shake as I gave the piece of metal to the man in front of us. He studied our fake lives for way too long. This wasn't going to work and that man in front of me would have no trouble catching us both if we dared to run. Naz glanced my way as I kept kneading my fingers. She only raised a brow and I immediately stopped.

This was not good! Drift was right. I wasn't ready for this. I couldn't- "How much do you bench?" Naz suddenly asked and my eyes snap to her and from her to the bulky man before us. He could definitely snap me in two if he wanted. Not even Stone was that muscular. The guy opposite of us was probably as muscular as Wrecker.

"With these muscles you could bench the both of us. I like a man with muscles!" Was she-? Oh maker, she was flirting with that guy. The security man didn't move a muscle, but then a small cocky grin was there. I didn't listen after that, my eyes scanning the place before us. It was some kind of club, the special kind, where you could go as a senator or a member of the underground society and with the right incentive nobody would care who you were. The neon signs burned in my eyes while the club promised to be dark and gloomy. It was perfect for all kinds of people to do business around here.

I remebered Stone speak about these kinds of clubs to me before, when we were both Guards here, not that he would have let me come with him even once. He had always said, that those places weren't a place for someone like me. I had always challenged him to explain that to me further, but all he had done, was grumble something about the fact, that I would cause more trouble than was good for me.

"Come on!" I looked at Naz trying to decipher what she just had said. But she just pulled me with her winking at the bouncer one last time. Somehow Naz got us in. I don't know what she said to the guy, but he didn't even gave me a second glance, before handing back my chain code. "Where are you with your thoughts again? Come on!"

I couldn't tell her. I just didn't feel like myself in this dress, she had insisted, that I had to wear, nor did I feel comfortable being watched. And that was exactly what I felt right now, I was being watched. "Naz, let's find Kyra and then get out of here." I mumbled as someone raised his drink at me. This was totally not my scene. The bass of the music was loud and I felt it deep in my bones. Just like I had anticipated was the club gloomy and full of people. All kinds of species were here, men and woman, who wore even less than me and Naz. "Don't be such a buzzkill. Come on, one drink. You promised!"

My feet stumbled after her not used to the high heels Naz made me wear. This whole outfit was ridiculous. The dress was that of a black fabric hugging my body close being tight to my waist and then flaring out reaching the middle of my thighs. It had a square neckline and long sleeves hiding everything it should hide. Naz had begged me to wear it and I had relented, because I still was very mad about Stone, that all my fears just had puffed away. "Stay on track, Naz!" I could hear myself try to keep her on the mission. Her hips swing slightly to the music making the golden dress, which she wore, sparkle in the lights.

"Okay, mom!" Naz rolled her eyes and I smiled, because some things definitely would never change. She linked her arm with mine and I let her guide me towards the bar.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender, a Mirilian man with face tattoos asked and not long after he pushes a drink into my hand. "Remind me what she looks like." Naz requests and I try and remember Link's description. "Link said, that she has long blonde hair. Her eyes are that of a brown greenish color. And she has light freckles on her nose and cheeks."

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