Enemies In Brothers

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He is my brother, even though we stand on different sides.



Cub and I watched as four gunships landed a little off to the side where there was a free field. The doors opened and the first clones walked out. Those weren't cadets however.

A few carried backpacks and all were clad in white storm trooper armor. I froze taking a few steps back. This was not good...

I could feel my heart stumbling as it tried pumping me with oxygen, but it was too late. The panic attack hit me with full force. Pictures of Lothal, the man, Jamaal. And suddenly everything stopped.

"Euphoria, look at me." Drift had pushed himself a into my vision and all I could see was him. "Concentrate on me. Breath!" He took a deep breath in and I tried to follow his example. "That's it!" He breathed with me until I was calm enough for him to step aside. And when I looked a few had taken off their helmets and I sighed in relief when I only saw clones with bacta patches on the side of their heads.

"Are you alright?" Cub asked and I nodded. "Do you need Stone?" Drift asked and I hastily shook my head. He didn't want to be here. And I had to deal with my panic attacks alone. Stone and Drift couldn't always be here and sooth them.

Drift took my hand and linked our arms before pressing my hand. And together we watched the clones formate and greet their brothers.

And then I noticed, that most of them carried children or even toddlers and fewer even babies. There were at least fourty new people joining us.

"Cub!" War called out and Cub ran over, while I sticked to Drift's side and followed him slowly observing the new clones cautiously. A few nodded in my direction, but I didn't know if they knew my sister or if they were just trying to be nice.

The last gunship, which hadn't opened their doors just yet however, War and Cub approached and I wondered what was inside. But when the doors opened, I gasped.

I counted eight clones in more than miserable condition. They all were pale and weak holding each other upright. But they were fresh out of the med bay probably been in bacta tanks to heal. Most had knew cloths on and no armor. War talked to them, while I stood off to the side.

"Leal?" A weak voice called out and when I looked there was one of them a few feet away. His cloths were dirty and ripped. His skin was pale and he seemed a little disoriented as he walked towards me. "Leal!" He called out. I knew he meant me. I knew from the distance I did look like her to a certain extent. So I walked up to him. And when he reached out, I did too.

"My friend-" I heard more voices call, but concentrated on the man before me. And then I recognised him. Will! His hands touched my shoulder as if to probe if I was real or not, but when his eyes scanned me he stopped at my eyes and realisation dawned on him.

"Hello, Will." I whispered and the clone flinched. "She was right." He whispered, disbelief in his eyes. "She was right again and I didn't believe her."

He wavered dangerously, but before he could fall I caught him. And now I was going down too. He was far too heavy. His weight dropped down on me and I stumble, but suddenly all his weight is off of me.

"I got him." Drift mumbles and I nod in thanks.  "Follow me. He seems dehydrated and needs to lie down." I walk ahead until I stand before an unoccupied room of the house and hold the door.

"Euphoria!" Will mumbles and I am at his side immediately as he gets to lie down on the bed. "I'm here, Will." I hold his hand and he coughs. "Get me a bowl of fresh water and towels." I order Drift and he vanished outside to get me those things. "You're alive?" Will mumbles and I nod brushing the sweaty strands of hair from his forehead.

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