Special Chapter: crima

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it's crima!!!!!!!! (it's an special chapter so the arc this fanfic is going through currently will be paused for a bit)

TW: Strong language ahead.

N: *breaks Uzi's door* UZI UZI UZI UZI!!!!!

Uzi: *a bit woken up* no please don't kill me...

N: what.

Uzi: *wakes up completely* uhh... what are you doing here N?

N: IT'S CRIMA!!!!!

Uzi: And?

N: What do you mean "and*?!

Uzi: I mean, what's so important about christmas?

N: Presents!

Uzi: I'm not in the mood today. *tries to go back to sleep*

N: Uzi! *shakes her a little bit too much*

Uzi: STOP!

N: No.


(Thirty minutes later)

Khan: So, uh... what was all that noise up there?

Uzi: N waking me up just because of christmas.

N: Uzi! It's an important date!

Uzi: Pfft, what's so important about it? presents are not so special.

N: Being together with your family!

Uzi: ...

Khan: ...

N: Oh... Right. Your mother is dead...

Uzi: *sarcastic tone* Wow! Such a genius!

N: Sorry :c

Uzi: It's fine, whatever.

N: Yay c:

Khan: (thoughts: Why the f*ck are they even a couple...)

N: Uzi can we decorate the crima tree?

Uzi: ...

Khan: ...

Uzi: We are not getting a christmas tree.
Khan: We are not getting a christmas tree.

N: Aw :c

Uzi: Why do you want a piece of plastic? Trees don't even exist anymore, the ones they sell are made from cheap plastic!

N: To celebrate!

Uzi: N, we're not getting a christmas tree just because of some random day, why celebrate when we can just stay at home and live our lives normally!

N: Because it's fun!

Uzi: It's not.
Khan: It's not.

N: You two are such debby-downers!

Uzi: I'm going to my room, you deal with him dad.

N: I'm going to Uzi's room, you deal with yourself, uh... friend...?

Khan: ...

Uzi: *opens door*

N: Hey Uzi!


N: Gasp! Profanity!

Uzi: Why are you annoying me so much today?

N: I'm not annoying you.

Uzi: Yes you are.

N: >:c *gets out of her room*

Uzi: Finally, some peace.

(Fifteen minutes later)

Uzi: Phew, he's silent, probably asleep or something.

(One hour later)

Uzi: The house is strangely quiet.

(Two hours later)

Uzi: Okay, something's definitely going on. *opens her door*

N: Hey Uzi!

Uzi: *stares at N's face*

N: Uzi?

Uzi: N, could you explain to me, why is there christmas ornaments on the floor, the tree is on the ground and my dad is on the floor?

*insert Khan in the peter griffin death pose*

N: Me and Mr. Uzi gone to the mall to grab some christmas stuff and when we were putting all the ornaments on the tree it fell... He was on top of it.

Uzi: ...

N: *nervous laugh*

Uzi: Hey dad...

Khan: ...

Uzi: WAKE UP! *slaps Khan*

Khan: *wakes up* what.

Uzi: See, he's fine.

N: Are you sure?

Uzi: Yes. But you will not be fine until both of you give me an explanation!

Khan: Uhhh...

Uzi: First of all, dad, why did you buy these things?

Khan: N tricked me! He did his puppy face!

Uzi: I can't f*cking believe this. You, an grown adult, got tricked by a disassembly drone.

Khan: Uzi! Don't blame me!

Uzi: *sigh* I'll help clean up.

(Thirty minutes later)

Uzi: Finally. You happy N?

N: Ye :D

/Door/: *loud bangs*

Uzi: I'll open it. *opens door*

V: Hey.

Uzi: What do you want?

V: Nothing, just visiting.

Uzi: We are bu-

N: V! Come in!

V: Alright.

Uzi: N!

(Literally two minutes later)

N: Come check our christmas tree!

V: Alright.

Uzi: You're not going anywhere. The tree is almost at my room's door, and I'm not letting you go there!

V: *Pushes her* So, why did you guys even get a christmas tree?

Uzi: Hey!

N: To celebrate!

V: Why though? It's just another holiday.

N: An very special holiday!

V: What's so special about it? Food?

N: ...

(Fifteen minutes later)

V: I'm going now. *Opens door*

Uzi: Please, never come back.

V: *closes door*

Uzi: Ugh! Why is she so annoying all the time?

N: Uzi! Where's your christmas spirit?!

Uzi: Inside a f*cking black hole.

N: >:C


This chapter didn't mean to be big, it's just an special chapter to celebrate Christmas. Happy holidays everyone!

712 words

(All characters except mine are owned by Glitch Productions)

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