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luv.brooklyn- this place is so beautiful <3


User173- that place is so cool like I would live there!
Luv.brooklyn- same I love it so much
User169- fr

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"Alright you guys ready to go?" I ask the group who replies with "ya" or "yes". Before leaving the spot I remember something

"Wait! We have got to mark that we were here!" I remind them,and myself . I hold up the spray paint that I found in my backpack pocket while packing up our stuff

"Hell ya" is all that is heard from the group, we spray paint out names, before we leave we take a picture of it and go on our way out of the abandoned place

"Thanks for coming with me guys" I tell the group as we approached my house, knowing that they could have got arrested or worse since we were trust passing or could have died since the place was really old and falling apart

They remind me that they'll always be down to go somewhere abandoned with me no matter the consequences

"Thanks you guys... And thanks for driving me" I tell the group but the last part directed at Liv

"Anytime" she smiles at me before I walk up to my house and she pulled out of the driveway

I take a deep breath before I go in...

Authors not-
ok ik I said I was to lazy to remake this chapter but I got bored and made it WAY better and since I'm supper bored you'll probably get a few chapters!
Love you bitches until next time

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now