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I felt someone shake me awake,again. I look up to see Jackie smiling at me and she tells me that "were here" with a smile on her face. She gets out the car and I follow her.

"Are you guys ok?"

"Ya" me and Jackie responded to Katherine

"Let's go introduce you to everyone" she says before getting a call mid step so she walks off the stairs to the porch and answers

Me and jackie go on the porch and some kid on a skateboard rides right next to us "Move!" He shouts so we move back, jackass

I look over to see a guy sitting on a couch thing reading? I think ( idk what the couch thing is called 😭)

"Danny" he pointed at himself



We head inside and see this little kid running inside the house "woah woah Benny stop running" George tells the little one just for him to yell back

"I'm not running!" While literally running

"Hey guys can you stop that for a second?...this is Brooklyn and Jackie" George says as we stop in front of two boys mine and Jackie's age

"Brooklyn and Jackie that's Alex and Issac" George says pointing at them

George asked Alex to go get the rest of our bags and he does but I can't help but notice how he looked at Jackie and the way she looked at him so, I elbow her trying to get her attention

" Looks like someones in love" I smirk she just rolls her eyes at me before saying "shut up" but she can't help but smile which makes me smile

I hear laughing so look over and see Issac laughing "what are you laughing at, weirdo?"

"What do you think, short stuff " he smirks at me

I scoff while grabbing Jackie's hand and pull her towards the kitchen

We go in the kitchen and meet will then Katherine has to go to work and George has to go do something so her oldest son, will shows us the rest of of the house

we met parker, Lee, Jordan, Nathan and Cole who I couldn't help but gag at as he got out of the pool because he was flexing his "muscles"

The best part of the tour was Jackie get water splashed on her by a dog, I was wheezing

We go on our way upstairs so will can show us our rooms

The only thing I got from the hole conversion Jackie and will had is that every one lives in that house except for will himself

And that Issac and Lee are there cousins and there just staying with the walters

I got to my room and it was a old looking library on one of the walls and the rest was empty except for a bed so I start decorating and put my stuff away

once I was done I took a shower, did my night routine played music/ put my headphones in and fell asleep listening to songs

Brooklyn's room/ aesthetic-

Brooklyn's room/ aesthetic-

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Authors note-Ik it's a short chapter but imma try to make the next one longer

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Authors note-
Ik it's a short chapter but imma try to make the next one longer... Sadly 😔
By bitches!

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now