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"Issac put me down!" I tell but he doesnt listen he just walks into the lunch room

all eyes were on us..

I look around and make eye contact with jackie

Jackie looks at me then issac and laughs shaking her head

Cole walks up to her bringing her to the fornt of the line with me and Issac

I mimick jackie by laughing at her

she sends me a glare and I send one back.

all eyes were not only on me and Issac but also Cole and jackie

"you like my new backpack" issac says to Cole

I let out a loud groan before saying

"no, he doesnt not even your "backpack" likes being your backpack, you should put your backpack down."

" no I like his backpack I feel like it looks fine on his sholder" Cole says with a smirk on his face

and Issac starts dowing all kinds of poses' like he's a model ( ik I cant spell s/u)

" Cole Walter I know where you sleep, don't test me." I threaten him

"and I know where you sleep to, Brooklyn" he says test how thin oh ice he is before walking away with jackie since she grabed the food she wanted

Issac FINALLY puts me down so I could get something to eat

"I'm not hungry" I tell him

" you barely had anything to eat, grab something" he says in a consered and demanding tone

"but I had toast"

"ya ok, YoU hAd ToAsT" he says mocking me before adding

" you had half a piece this mornging, took one bit of the one you had in the car, then gave it to Jackie, that's barely anything" he says giving me a look

"fine is this good then?" I say grabbing a juice box and an apple so he'll shut up

he just shakes his head no but once he gets the hint that I'm not grabing anything else he just lets out a sigh before paying for it

"I could have paid for my food" I try saying but get cut off him saying,

"shut up"

"damn ok"

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now