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We get to school and the second we parked Cole says " Issac we have a full car today so dont offer rides to random cheerleaders"

I look at Issac and mock Cole " ya Garcia no offering cheerleaders rides" with a smirk

He just rolls his eyes and gives me a sarcastic smile

Cole then reminds us for like the 100th time that he leaves at 3:30

We all start getting out of the car once Cole was done talking but some- no- most of them got out, except for Jackie..

"Hey you ok?" I ask seeing that she wasn't getting out of the car

"Yeah..." She fake smiles

Danny and Nathan come over and tell her that they'll show her to all her classes

I get a little nervous about finding all my classes and I think it's pretty obvious since Issac walks up to me and says

"Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll help you find all your classes"

I just roll my eyes before walking into the building

Me and Issac walk to the front office to get my schedule... And I have everything class with Issac,great
We walk to the first class we have and he goes to his seat while I stand there awkwardly in the doorway

"Ah Miss rose come over to the front  and introduce your self to the class" he says once he notices me in the doorway

I awkwardly walk over to the front of the of the class before Introducing myself

"Uh hi my name is Brooklyn but you can call me brook or just Brooklyn"

The teacher just looks at me waiting for me to continue talking but once he releases that I'm not going to say anything he just asks something random

"So Brooklyn do you play any sports?"

"Yes... Volleyball and that's literally every thing about me so can I go to my seat?"

He just sighs and points me to my seat... Which is next to Issac, great

I let out a groan before walking next to Issac and slumping down into my seat

"Can't be away from me for a second can you, sweetheart

And this is pretty much how every class went so far, thankfully no one asked why I moved here...yet
HI POOKIES SORRY FOR NOT BEING ACTIVE I WAS TO BUSY... sleeping and reading other books...BUT ANYWAY plz go read my other stories

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now