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I follow him over to the table Cole took Jackie to

"Guys this is Brooklyn, Brooklyn these are... A lot of people and I don't feel like saying everyone's name y'all can introduce yourselves" Issac says with a small smile on his face

"Hey" I wave

"Sup Brooklyn" one of the guys tries to say with a smirk but gets cit off by issac

"Hey jackass move" he tells the same guy that was just talking to me- or at least attempted to

"Here sit" Issac says pointing to the seat that Issac's friend was just sitting

"Oh ok"

I sit down next to some girl, on the other side of jakie

I give her a small smile before going on my phone

After a few minutes I look up from my phone to grab my juice box

I may not like food much, but if you take my drinks EXPECUALLY my juice I will skin up alive

(A/n ya she's not a violent person at all.. :))


"No" he mumbles not turning to face me

*Where is my juice" I say trying not be at his throat

"Um i- I don't k-know"


He doesn't say anything he just swallows very loudly (A/n because he's nervous, yk iyk yk) and slowly turns to face me

And I see the juice box in his hands

"I will give you until the count of three to give your ass a head start before your locker says "in loving memory of Issac Garcia" I stare at him with a cold but deadly look

if looks could kill he would be 6 feet under

And he does just that

He runs

With me chasing after him ofc

"You said you would count!" He exclaims running from me

"Well I lied! You drank my juice so its fair!" I yell running after him

"Me dying because I drank your juice is fair?!?"

"Yes!" I yell at him before we both stop because we hear something

More like some one

And there yelling at us

It was..

The principal.


A/n -
I'm sorry I was gonna post Wednesday but I had no ideas and I still have non of you have any plzzz let me know!
Not proof read btw! Sorry if there's any mistakes I was half asleep making this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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