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( I think I forgot to mention this but Brooklyn is Jackie's cousin so let's pretend that Jackie's mom has a sister to :) but Brooklyn is staying with the Howards because her family died)

I walk inside to see my uncle Richard holding a crying Jackie I knew this was going to be bad... And I was right

Jackie's mom, dad and sister Lucy had all died in a car accident on the way back home. They were the only family I had left... Or had left
D U R I N G   T H A T   S I X    M O N T H S
Narrative pov-
Ever since Brooklyn's family died she stopped kinda eating(she eats but not a lot ),
her friends stopped seeing her,
her boyfriend broke up with her,
and she hasn't been doing anything she loved other than sleeping.
It's just like her parents death all over again
S I X   M O N T H S   L A T E R
Brooklyn pov-
During the plain ride i put her ear pods in and started playing music and tried getting sleep

I woke up to my sister shaking me awake telling me we landed. We got off the plane and Jackie's phone started ringing, uncle Richard called her I don't know why because she has head phones in

I put my ear pods back in and waited until we see the walters.

I felt Jackie elbow me so I took out my head phones "I think that's the walters"  she says like there isn't 1 thousand people at this air port

" where?" I look around confused as hell on who she was talking about out of all these people in the air port

"Brooklyn, Jackie" a woman around the same age as my mom said, and I recognized her as Katherine

"Hi" Katherine smiles at both of us

"Hi" Jackie smiles back

I just stay quiet and give her a little smile. Katherine was hesitant about pulling us in for a hug but we hugged her back right away

" I'm so happy you guys are here" Katherine says still hugging us

"Thanks Katherine" Jackie replied still in the hug

"Thanks for letting us stay at your house" I mumble and I think that it's really obvious that I'm nervous about this hole thing

She let's go of us and turns to her right looking for her  husband just for him not to be there

"over here" her husband says to the left of her with a smile, I can't help but chuckle at the little mix up on where he was

"Thank you" Katherine chuckles herself at the little mix up

"Remember George" Katherine points to the man next to her

" Hi George" jackie speaks for both of us and I just smile at him like I did Katherine

He puts his hand on my shoulder in a smoothing way while walking past me to grab our luggage

"How was everything was the flight ok?"

"Ya it was great"
" I mean I had to sit next to a guy that kept farting the hole time so my flight was a bit different from Jackie's"

Everyone laughed the flight experience that I shared and I couldn't help but smile

"Do you girls need anything before we go? Something to eat or coffee?"

"No I'm ok" was all that was heard from me and Jackie

I put my headphones in and looked out the window taking in the beautiful land all around the car and eventually fell asleep

Sorry I fell asleep while making this just like Brooklyn listening to music :| ... Literally
Anyway I might make the next chapter rn but idk
By bitches :)

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now