Y E S M A ' A M

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The rest of the classes were the same, introducing myself, and sitting next to Issac, I literally wanted the floor to swallow me hole

I hear the bell ring signaling it was lunch time I jump out of my seat so fast and run out the door, I can finally be alon-

"Hey! Shorty wait up!"

Nope never mind I'm not finally alone

"What u want gracia" I roll my eyes at him

"You ofc"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm being serious"

"I just wanted to ask you a question" he puts his hands up in defense

"Go hand out with your friends or something idk! Just leave me alone!"

"Yes ma'am"

I start walking to the lunch room, again for some alone time since idk anyone at this school, kinda..

Just for someone to pick me up and throw me over their shoulder

I didn't even need to look and see who it was, I already new..

Issac Garcia

don't worry I didn't forgot Abt u guys I just had not ideas, hints why it's short, but fr if your a ghost reader I'm not updating untill 2025 🦖

Jk jk but I won't update for a week (IK It was longer stfu )again 🥸

Long lost love||Issac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now