Nerve Killer (Masky x Reader)

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It had been one of those days again.

One of those days, where the man felt as if he'd split. One of those days where he felt like he had to distance himself from you.

To kill the thing that had been killing him.

But you found him every time all the same, always in the same place.

The same forest.

The same camp.

With the same proxies.

It was all the same.

It was all...


You'd wake up in the middle of the night, and find him gone.

And so you would throw on your jacket. As always, placing on your shoes and some pants that wouldn't catch on the branches, and would grab up your phone and flash light.

With a final sigh, and a bottle of water in your pocket you made your way out. Following familiar boot tracks in the snow and the smell of cigarette smoke.

One track, became two, and then three as two familiar boys joined him.

There's that word again, brimming on your frontal lobe.


You stepped carefully over the creek, being sure not to wet your shoes before taking a turn down a tunnel. A few more steps, and the help of a tall man changing your scenery, you found yourself on the edge of camp.

Even the creature knew, nothing could keep you from him, and him from you, so he let it be- considering you no more threatening to him than a small wood mouse.

You flicked your light off, and calmly took in the scene before you.

The three men sat around a fire, one with a familiar gapped tooth- Brian sat off to the left, he was sipping on a brown bottle you could only imagine to be beer.

To the right, was a twitching young man, he held a small smirk on his face with drying blood on his orange goggles. He was sharpening his hatchet in his lap, and was humming a soft tune to himself.

In the middle. Was the object of your affection. He sat with a white mask on, hunched over with a cigarette burning freely in his hand, his black hair was fluffed over the forehead of it, and his familiar jacket held a few blood stains.

All of it. Was so, so familiar.

You left the tree line approached him from the side, as you had you gently tucked some of Toby's hair behind his ear- making the young boy smile softly to himself and Brian shot you a nod. You may had been a bit of a stranger, but?

To them, you too were familiar.

Way too familiar.

This was something that had happened often. But neither boy complained. They enjoyed your soft company as much as the next, and didn't mind nights like these.

And on these nights?

You'd come out and collect the man once his nerves shot themselves. When he couldn't handle it and fell into his alter ego, who better to come collect him than you?

You leaned against him from behind, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face into his neck. You placed a gentle kiss against his warm neck.

"Masky, come back to bed"

Five words. All you say every single time after searching the man out.

He places a hand in your hair, pulling at the silky strands. His fingernails were blood stained, and you knew he wouldn't remember much in the morning. Those are the parts he blocks out the most.

He shakes his head, and you hold him tighter.

It was just another one of those nights. Ones where his nerves struck him too hard, ones that made him run away just like how he had all those years ago, relying on his cigarettes and his ego to kill them.

But he could only ever numb it so much.

And so you were always there to clean up his mess.

"Tim" you decided to address him properly. He hums in response.

"May I stay here then? With you? I don't want to be alone"

He hums again and flicks his cigarette away, turning to pull you into his lap protectively, his fingers still playing in your hair.

That was a difference between the two, he was oh so silent, and obsessed with your hair. The man couldn't help but express his infatuation to you any time he appeared. You placed some soft kisses against his neck, following up his jugular and to his jaw- he lets out a soft sigh in response.

Carefully, the man moves his mask away, and presses his lips to yours. You could taste the breath of the last cigarette on his tongue, and you could feel the tenderness and care coming from him.

No matter how many times he ran away, he could never run away from you.

He pulled away, breaking the kiss with a nibble on your lip. Paused, and then?

He shoots you a smirk, which flusters you in the man's arms. His bright brown eyes, now dark under the eldritch beings control look over your face for a moment, before laying a kiss on your forehead and placing his mask back on, his strong arms wrapping around you tightly- protectively.

He had a nerve to kill, but it could never be you.

Not with how comfortable and soft you've always been to him, for him.

You sighed, relaxing while watching the fire with him. He glanced down at you, for a moment. Grasping your head and tucking it under his chin.

You listened to his breathing, to Toby's ticking and Brian's bottle tab flicking. It nearly killed you into sleep when a voice broke the silence.

" I love you, Y/n"

It was soft, and gentle, rather quiet. But those four words, made your heart thumb out your chest nearly. Masky never spoke, and here he was. Here Tim was. Speaking to you despite the man he was at the moment.

You gripped his sleeve, running your fingers into his palm and holding his hand tightly- placing another gentle kiss against his jawline.

" I love you too, Tim"

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