My Virus (Ben Drowned x reader)

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You had to. You just had to.

You had to play some busted looking game from a busted garage sale with an even busted looking seller. You had to hook the thing up to an emulator to your computer and set him free.

To be honest you were scared at first, with the odd entity playing with your files, resetting your time and making you question your reality with how hard the thing gaslit you into believing you were insane. It wasn't until he revealed himself did things get a little different.

As if he was playing a new game with you.

A new game called "being roommates" as the ghost took a liking to you, and has decided to haunt your daily life, and today was no different it seemed.

You hissed in pain as the sun hit your eyes, the mischievous elf had pulled the curtains back, allowing the rays to cut into your retinas.

"Good morning!" He shouted, " rise and shine sleeping beauty!"

Rude awakenings were only your new normal, thanks to your ghostly friend.

"Ben" you whined the ghosts name. "I don't wanna get up yet lemme sleep" you had almost entirely ignored the nickname you had told him several times not to call you.

You could hear the elf chuckle at your worlds as he moved closer, you felt the bed dip and his icy body near yours.

" It's 11:30 am I've been waiting damn near ten hours for you to get up, come on" the ghost said with a matter of fact tone to his voice- he also sounded rather annoyed, he didn't sleep- so he'd be left awake and bored while you slept. You often wondered what he did at night without you.

You peaked at the clock, finding that the ghost wasn't lying. You then turned your eyes to the ghost boy who sat kneeling on your bed, an impatient look in his eyes.

"One more hour" you insisted, pulling the blanket close to your face.

"No" he said, pouting. " I've waited long enough play with me"

You sighed. He always wanted to play. Ether it be his game, or just something he made up on the spot- no matter what it was he had to have your attention constantly like a clingy dog.

"I don't wanna play your game again Ben you're just going to fuck up the files again" you said turning away from him on your opposite side to face the wall away from the sun.

He didn't like that.

"Y/n, you shouldn't have done that"

You frowned, confused- feeling yourself waking up a bit more. "done what?"

"Turned your back to me"

Before you could respond the ghost ripped your blanket off and began to attack your sides, forcing you to laugh and squirm under the entity.

"I said wake up" he laughed as you tried to push him off of you, turning to face him to try and kick him away and he pushed himself on top of you effortlessly- avoiding your hits with a grin as he pinned you to your bed. You both laughed for a moment, giggling as you proclaimed you give up.

"Okay-okay stop you win" you chuckled grabbing him by his wrists, your face flushed when you realized the position you were in- making you freeze up for a moment in aw as you looked up at the boy who sat on top of you.

He paused, looking down at you with cheeks just as red, rivaling his cherry colored eyes. Although you were holding his wrists they were still firmly planted on your sides, making his undead lungs freeze.

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now