Friends forever? Laughing Jack x reader

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You still remember the first day you met that tall, black and white shadowed clown. You had awoken suddenly in the night, scared and alone but no one came to your side. Your mother was gone and your father passed out on the couch down stairs.

Little you, you paced the hall in panic, till you heard it, coming from the attic. You climbed the steps to it, up and up till you reached the dusty attic with all the boxes upon boxes, but beyond those boxes was a dusty toy chest, with a soft tune playing inside.

With curiosity only a child could possess you opened up the heavy chest, digging through the collection before you found it. It was an old jack in the box, playing "pop goes the weasel " softly, you picked it up, taking in the pealing red, blue and yellow paint. In bold black letters was a name.

" Laughing Jack" you read out loud, carefully turning the handle, taking the red wood in your grasp as you did. It played the song softly, and when it came time for it to pop-


You frowned, setting the box down and turning away, and then it began to shake, shivering against the hardwood floor when a puff of smoke and glitter filled the air. You coughed, your little lungs burning from the smell of burnt oak and the off colored glitter in the air, when it cleared? A man stood in front of you.

A rag doll of a man matter of fact. With long arms in striped sleeves, a grey shirt, bandages across his torso with feathers on his shoulders. He had long black hair with a cone nose, black makeup around his eyes with sharp teeth behind black lips.

Now that you looked at him, you realized he was a clown. And that made you rather nervous.

You remember taking a step back, squeezing your teddy bear with fear. He leaned down, crouching with his arms rested on his knees stretched out to you.

" Why, hello little one" he greeted. His voice was soft with a European accent. " Don't be scared, I only want to be your friend"

Your.. Friend? This was all new to you. " Who are you?" You asked softly and be tilted his head.

" Why, you already know. You read it right there, off my music box "

You thought for a moment, before saying his name again, with a bit of a questioning tone. " Laughing.. Jack? "

" That's right! He smiled. " I don't know your name though"

You took a shy step towards him, looking at the hand he offered you nervously. " It's Y/n"

"Thats a lovely name for a lovely little one"

You couldn't help but smile. " Why, thank you mister" you paused, tilting your head a little. " Why were you in that box?"

" Because I'm a Jack in the box. But you let me out, now I'm your best friend"

You gasped. " My best friend?"

" Yep!" He ruffles your hair, he watches as you tilt your head.

" Friends... Forever?" You asked hopefully, becoming attached.

" Forever, and ever"

You beamed at these words, and began to talk to clowns ear off, doodling with him and giggling as he tried to dance with you- but you were just too little and he was just too tall.

" When you get older this will be easier" he laughed, patting your frustrated little head. He watched as you yawned.

"Are you tired?" The doll man tilted his head. You could hear a bell jingle every time he moved, like a cat.

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