Pet (The Rake x Reader)

67 3 18

concept : You keep hearing sounds behind your house, must be a raccoon- right?

You stood there in your kitchen, one hand with a bag of trash, the other frozen on the door knob. Going out at night had always scared you. The feeling of being watched always followed you up and down your drive way. Especially when the sun went down. You sucked in a deep breath and carefully swung the door open, taking slow steps as you carefully approached your trashcan. 

You had been hearing noises from the end of your drive for weeks, it was just a racoon- just a pair of crows getting into your things... Right?

"Just one more step" you muttered softly to yourself, carefully taking another step and then-


you gasped at the sudden bang, watching yours, and a neighbors trash can topple over- a large creature peaked over the plastic can, and you stared back in abstract horror. You felt the plastic trash bag begin to slip out your hand, though you didn't care- you were trying to figure out what was in front of you. 

"what the hell" you muttered softly, taking nervous steps back as the creature moved forward, a soft snorting coming deep from it's lungs as it stalked forward. You watched as the street light began to cover it's skin, bringing the creature into perspective. 

You shook as you took in the thing, it looked almost like a deformed dog. With it's peach fur across it's pale- seemingly naked body. it's fingers were long and so were it's ears, twitching the way a cats would, it's deep green, mountain lion like eyes stared up at you- and you nearly jumped out your skin as it let out a deep growl- sounding oddly close to a house cat. 

He twitched and swung his tail as he sat up on two legs, tilting his head as  he stared at you, swinging it's reptilian- alligator like tail. 

"He-hello?" you said slowly. 

"Hel-LO" it repeated back in a raspy voice. 

You felt your jaw go slack in aw- it spoke. 

"Oh fuck this" you muttered and quickly turned and ran down your driveway, no longer caring about the bag of trash. You didn't turn around till you were inside, and staring at the thing through your back window. 

To your surprise, it didn't follow. It instead stared with it's ears pinned back, a sad look on it's face as it turned and began to carefully rip open the bag with it's long fingers. 

You suddenly felt- so awful and guilty for the odd creature. "It's hungry" you muttered, your eyes switching between your fridge and the thing before back to the thing. Your eyes fell down to the food bowl at your feed. 

Tears began to brim your eyes, you had just lost your best friend- and now his bowl constantly sat empty next to the back door. It made your stomach drop every time you saw it. 

Your eyes flicked back to the creature, the food bowl, the fridge- rinse and repeat before you made your mind up. 

You carefully picked up the bowl, and placed a few things inside. From an old cup of dog food to a few left overs. You then grabbed up a hand full of cheese sticks and carefully made your way back into the night, down your drive, and to the back alley where the creature continued to tear into the bag of trash. 

"Hey" you called out. 

You carefully dropped to your knee as you opened one of the cheese sticks, "You hungry little guy?" 

You began to curse yourself as you got the creatures attention. You had no idea what it was, and it's intense stare didn't help. Now that you were looking at him- he looked like an oddly shaped coyote. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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