Secret (Ticci Toby x Reader)

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(Authors note: absolutely redundant but I got a new keyboard and the c l i c k- god. You might be seeing more stories from me soon, haha. 


It had started out as a normal day for you, chaotic family, screaming siblings. Hell- even the neighbors decided to be rowdy today. Having started mowing the lawn at 5 pm, and is still admittedly doing loud house work.

Who the hell wakes up at 5 in the morning though was your real question.

You winched as your mother shouted at your younger siblings and the eldest fought over something that easily could've been waited on or shared. Tapping your fingers across the table you couldn't help but fidget as your anxiety rose, suddenly you felt a wood block hit the back of your head, making you cringe from the pain.

That was it.

You found yourself taking to your feet quickly, fighting with your shoelaces as anxiety raised in your chest, telling you to just leave.

So you did.

Despite your mother's shouts, and your baby brothers cry- you slammed the door behind you and took off towards the forest near your home- your chest felt heavy, and so did your body but you continued to push, all the way till you reached a small lake, spotting a large rock near the shore of it you took a seat, and focused on your heavy breathing as you stared at the lake.

Looking at the waters surface made you realize just how late it was. You glanced up, looking at the setting sun, watching it turn from dusk to night- the small stars slowly taking over the sun's place, the moon sat just on the edge of the hill but due to the illusion of water- it looked as if it were right in front of you.

Just sitting on the lakes surface, reflecting a soft pale white and blue, so did the stars as it brought its still- murky water to life. You couldn't help but stare, admiring the beauty of the stilled water and the chirping of frogs and crickets.

A smooth wind pulled it's self through the branches and the leaves, rustling the tall grass which awoke the fire flies. A child like wonder consumed you as you watched them buzz back and forth- their lights lighting up momentarily before disappearing and reappearing in other areas around you.

As you watched the beauty of night take over your surroundings, a boy watched you from the trees, his orange goggles reflected the moon light in an animalistic way as he took in your moon ray soaked form. Normally, he would've watched the water.

But tonight, he was watching you instead.

Watching the stars reflect off your wonder filled eyes, watching as the fire flies began to come closer, urging you to play the same way they did to him. But did you know to be careful around the bank?

He inched closer, his eyes not moving from yours. He watched a smile go across your face and he paused, his breath hitching in his throat as his shoulder jerked suddenly, his tics reflecting his nervous mind as he realized just how beautiful you were.

In an attempt to not scare you he unhooked his hatchets and his them in the brush- getting closer to you as you took to your feet to inch near the lightening bugs.

Toby quickened his pace, worried for you as you stepped too close to the mud for his comfort.  Gullible little you hadn't noticed- not with your eyes focused on the dancing light that was so close to your fingertips. It wasn't your fault really- despite the bright moon over the lake, it was still hard to see your footing in the shadowy banks. 

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now