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The whole road stretched out before us, devoid of any other vehicles. The flickering streetlights cast an eerie glow, adding to the ominous atmosphere. Mr. Fred, the old man, remained silent throughout the ride, his gaze fixed on the moon. As we reached the entrance near the dock of St. Christ woods, a sense of unease settled over us. The forest had a reputation for being haunted, with stories of ghosts, creepy creatures, and wild animals.

"Mr. Fred, we've arrived. Please get off the bike now." Nick requested.

But Fred seemed oblivious to our words, still lost in his own thoughts.

"Mr. Fred?" he called out once more, growing impatient.

Finally, Fred responded, "Oh...yes, thank you, kids. Can I ask for one more favor? Could you drop me off in the middle of the woods? That's where my house is."

"Mr. Fred, this doesn't make any sense. There can't be a house in the middle of these woods." I interjected.

Fred turned his gaze towards me, his eyes piercing through the darkness. A mysterious smile played on his lips. "Oh, young ones, you'd be surprised by what lies beyond what you can see." he cryptically replied.

"No way, Mr. Fred. We can't do that. Please get off the bike now." he insisted firmly.

"I won't get off until you take me to my house. It's not right to leave an old man alone in the woods to find his way home." Fred insisted.

"Alright, enough of this crap." Nick declared, swiftly maneuvering himself off the bike by jumping to the front side.

"Boy, you're very athletic. I'm impressed." Fred said.

"Listen, Mr. Fred, if you aren't getting down from my bike, I'll have to call the cops." Nick sternly warned.

"Uhm...Nick." I stuttered, trying to get his attention.

"Dude, stop interrupting me. Can't you see I'm talking here?" he snapped.

He turned around to see my shocked expression.

"Why are you shocked, man? Are you alright?" he asked.

I gestured towards the bike stand, and even Nick was astonished to see that the bike was standing upright without the side stand. Fred, on the other hand, didn't even have his legs on the ground; they were still on the foot pegs. It was perplexing how he could maintain such perfect balance in a static position.

"I'm calling the cops right now." Nick declared, reaching for his phone. "Why the hell is my phone not working?" he shouted in frustration.

I tried to use my phone, but it wasn't working either, despite being fully charged.

"Enough playing games, old man. We see through your tricks. Get down and leave before things get ugly." Nick threatened, his tone filled with anger.

"Nick, stay calm. Let's try to talk with-" I began, but before I could finish, Nick forcefully dragged Fred off the bike and pushed him to the ground.

"Not so tough now, are you?" he taunted.

Fred immediately stood back up as if it was nothing.

"Is this all you've got?" Fred smirked. "I expected more from you, young man."

Nick's fury intensified, and he attempted to punch Fred in the face. But Fred effortlessly dodged the punch and flicked his finger, sending Nick flying several meters before crashing to the ground with a loud thud. I quickly rushed to Nick's aid, grabbing Fred from behind. He effortlessly picked me up from behind with just two fingers and threw me to the ground. Nick hurriedly came over and helped me back up.

"It's useless to fight me. Just do as I say, and you can go home soon. Don't make me resort to the hard way." Fred warned with a chilling tone.

"Alright, alright, fine. We give up." I conceded, realizing the futility of resisting.

"What the hell, John? We—" Nick started to protest.

"Nick, just stop. He's too strong for us. Let's just do what he says." I interjected.

"That's better. Now, where were we?" Fred asked, a sinister smile creeping across his face.

"You wanted us to take you to the middle of the woods." I reluctantly answered.

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's get going." Fred said, effortlessly hoisting the bike back up and settling onto the pillion seat without any support from the bike stand.

"Damn, how is he doing that?" Nick wondered aloud.

"I have no idea, bro. Let's just drop him off and get out of here. It's late, and our parents will be worried." I suggested.

With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, we embarked on our bikes, venturing deeper into the woods, unaware of the life-altering events that awaited us that night.

The old, cobbled pathway led to a metal gate, adorned with the words "ST. CHRIST WOODS" atop a rusty sign. The gate, made of black-coated iron, emitted an unsettling aura. Its pointed spikes deterred trespassers, and the thick vines partially concealed the view beyond. As Fred swung his hand, the gate creaked open magically, revealing a meadow with dense grass and scattered pine trees. Ahead stood the foreboding forest, its towering trees offering refuge to mysterious spirits. A chilling breeze wafted through, carrying an eerie scent. Above, dark clouds warned all to steer clear...

There have been numerous rumors surrounding this place. Some claim that a massive 10-foot anaconda lurks within these woods, while others believe that the spirits of the deceased from our city wander freely here. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to inquire about these rumors with Fred, hoping to break the eerie silence during our ride.

"I've heard a lot of rumors about this place." I began. "Are they true, Mr. Fred?"

"Ah, those rumors. People love to spin tales, don't they?" Fred replied. "Well, This place is usually quiet. There are no giant snakes or monsters, but there are indeed plenty of ghosts."

"Ghosts? Are they real?" Nick asked, clearly surprised.

"Yes, they are. Who else do you think keeps me company here?" Fred responded.

"You're joking. I don't see any ghosts around." he retorted.

"Do you want to see a ghost, young man?" Fred asked, his tone turning creepy.

"No, thanks. Let's just drop you off and continue." I interjected, not wanting to entertain the idea.

"No, I want to see one. Come on, old man, show us a ghost right now. Are they hiding behind the trees?" Nick laughed.

"Turn left and tell me what you see." Fred calmly instructed. To our astonishment, there was indeed something, a ghostly figure, peering at us from behind a tree. Its pale white form and dark, haunting eyes sent shivers down our spines.

"Now turn and look around you." Fred added. As we turned, we realized that we were completely surrounded by ghosts.

 As we turned, we realized that we were completely surrounded by ghosts

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