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"You still want a taste of what happened the other day?" Ryan taunted, laughing.

Nick remained silent, his gaze locked fiercely on Ryan. A crowd of students had gathered around, eager to witness the confrontation.

"Let's get this done, Nick." Ryan goaded, motioning for him to come forward.

Nick slowly walked towards Ryan; I could see his killer eyes locked on him. Ryan didn't even take the situation seriously.

In an instant, Nick delivered a swift kick to Ryan's gut, sending him flying across the corridor, crashing into the wall, and knocking him unconscious. The crowd erupted into cheers for Nick's powerful display.

Nick then turned his attention to Ryan's teammates, Ethan, David, and Benjamin. But before he could strike, I intervened and tackled him to the ground. The three guys approached us menacingly, wielding baseball bats, but Nick's friends rushed to our defense.

"What the fuck, man? Let me go, I need to help them!" Nick shouted.

"Dude, you might seriously hurt them. Look at what you did to Ryan. Let your friends handle it." I whispered to Nick.

Nick looked back at the unconscious Ryan lying on the floor. "Did I hit him too hard?" he asked, concerned.

"I hope he's okay." I replied.

After Nick's gang defeated Ryan's friends and made them retreat, the entire crowd erupted into cheers and noise. Nick's friends lifted him up in celebration, basking in the victory... until our principal, Mr. Malcolm, walked in and the jubilant atmosphere instantly turned tense.

"We are so dead." Brian muttered.

We were all cramped inside the principal's office. On the left side stood Nick, his friends, and me, while on the right side were Ryan and his buddies. Ryan was still clutching his injured gut, clearly in pain.

"Didn't I already warn you guys not to indulge in these kinds of activities?" Mr. Malcolm asked, his tone stern.

"Ryan and his friends started this, sir." Noah defended.

Mr. Malcolm turned to Ryan and inquired, "Is that true?"

"No, sir. Nick texted me this morning and started this fight. Look at this." Ryan said, showing his phone to the principal.

Mr. Malcolm then turned his gaze towards Nick, who lowered his head, knowing he was in trouble.

"John, I can't believe you were part of this mayhem. I always thought you were a good student." Mr. Malcolm said, clearly disappointed.

"Sir, I was just trying to stop the fight." I explained.

"From now on, don't get involved in such things, especially with these troublemakers."

"Sure, sir."

"You may leave now."

I left the room, but I couldn't resist peeking inside to see what punishment they would receive.

"As for you all, you're suspended for three days." Mr. Malcolm said.

"But- But, sir—"

"No 'buts.' Everyone may leave now."

Frustrated, everyone walked out of the principal's office.

"Don't be so happy, Nicholas. When the time comes, I'll have my revenge." Ryan warned.

"Let it go, Ryan. No need to start another fight." I said. Ryan and his buddies walked away, grumbling under their breath, probably cursing at us.

"Well, that didn't go well." I commented.

John Victor: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now