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After watching the devastating headlines, I felt deeply disappointed.

"I can't believe this. We should have done something to stop him. So many innocent people died because of us." I said, feeling a heavy burden of guilt.

"Come on, man. Remember how easily he tossed me aside? We were like ants compared to him. There was nothing we could have done." Nick explained.

"Yeah, but what do we do now? He's bound to return, and if we don't give him that hat and that stupid magic kit, he'll kill us and everyone we know." I said.

"Maybe we should just hand it over. If we do, he might finally leave us alone." he suggested.

"No, there's something special about those things, I can feel it. He seems desperate to get them. What if he uses them for something evil?" I worried.

"John, you're acting like we have a choice. The truth is, we don't. Let's just hand them over and get it over with." he advised.

"We'll think about it." I replied.

"Come on, John. Don't do anything stupid. We can't run or hide from him. Let's just do what he said." he urged.

"What if I told you that you can hide or run from him?" Suddenly, a voice echoed from the window. A middle-aged man leaped into the room through the open window. He was well-built, standing nearly 6 ft tall, and wore a biker's jacket with tight jeans. His salt and pepper hairstyle added to his rugged appearance, and his arms were adorned with some cool tattoos.

"Who are you?" I asked, bewildered.

"Calm down, guys. It's me, Frederick, in my new host." Fred revealed.

"FREDDDDD!!! Thank goodness you're back." I exclaimed with relief.

"Missed me, kids?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're in a tough spot right now. We need your help." Nick said. 

(Fred new host concept art)

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(Fred new host concept art)

"I know everything, that's why I came here as soon as I could." Fred said. "How's my great-grandson doing? Are you alright?" he continued.

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better, Grandpa. Wait, should I call you that?" Nick asked.

"Don't call me that; it makes me feel old. Call me Uncle Fred." Fred replied.

"Your new host looks much better, Fred." I commented.

"He's indeed much younger than my previous one, and he looks good too. This guy died in a bike accident when Krueger killed me, and I immediately chose him as the new host." Fred explained.

"Wait, so you swapped with him right after he died? On the spot?" I asked, amazed.

"Yeeeahh, he was lying there dead, and a car smacked into him. The ambulance showed up, and I woke up with a busted arm, leg, and blood gushing from my head. I just got up, fixed myself, lit a cigar from my pocket, and rode off on my bike. Their faces were priceless, man." Fred said with a grin.

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