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"Fuck we are doomed. What's our move now?" I asked.

"Grandson, grab the lamp and get out of here with John. I'll handle him." Fred said.

"We're not leaving you behind this time. We fight together." Nick insisted.

"Oh, look who's trembling." Krueger taunted with an evil chuckle. Fred lunged at him with a punch, but Krueger easily caught it and tossed him aside. Fred collided with the wall, causing it to crumble and fall on him.

Krueger advanced toward us, his voice dripping with malice. "Hand over the lamp." Nick threw me the lamp and assumed a defensive stance.

"Come on motherfucker, lets settle this." Nick challenged. It seemed he had completely lost his mind.

"Did you miss how he effortlessly threw Fred around?" I muttered to Nick, trying to bring some sense into the situation.

"Listen to your friend and hand over the lamp. I might spare your lives." Krueger taunted. Nick shook his head in defiance. Krueger lunged to seize him, but Nick agilely slipped between Krueger's legs and struck him from behind. "Ouch!" Nick hollered, dropping to his knees.

"Looks like you've shattered a good number of bones in your hand." Krueger laughed wickedly. "Fuck, it hurts." Nick groaned, clutching his injured hand. Fred hurled the rubble aside and sprinted over, delivering a flying kick directly to Krueger's face. Krueger staggered back.

"Don't you dare touch my grandson." Fred growled. Krueger seized Fred's head and slammed it onto the ground repeatedly. Despite the brutal assault, Fred rose again and attempted to land a punch on Krueger's chest. But Krueger effortlessly evaded the blow, showcasing his surprising agility for his size. Swiftly, Krueger clasped Fred's shoulders and delivered a knee to his gut, causing Fred to crumple to the floor.

"You won't catch me off guard twice." Krueger sneered. He shifted his attention to me. "Make a wise choice, John. You're far less resilient than they are. Hand over the lamp." he demanded.

"If I give you the lamp, will you leave us be?" I inquired.

"Yes." he responded.



With no real alternative, I surrendered the lamp. "Fine." I muttered.

"Excellent." he grinned. "But before I depart, I'll take this bastard with me." Krueger hoisted Fred from the ground and slung him over his shoulder.

" Krueger hoisted Fred from the ground and slung him over his shoulder

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(Krueger demon form concept art)

"Hey, you promised to leave us alone. Why are you taking him?" I questioned, frustrated.

"Us." Krueger retorted, a hint of mockery in his voice. "Excluding Fred, of course. He's like a cockroach; no matter how many times you squash him, he scurries back and ruins your day. I'm aware of his little resurrection tricks and his magical loopholes to cheat death. But this time, I'll make sure he stays put, locked away in the deepest and darkest part of the abyss for eternity." Krueger vowed.


"Trust is a foolish sentiment when dealing with demons." Krueger chuckled darkly. He unfurled his massive demonic wings and soared away through the shattered ceiling.

The smoke began to dissipate, and the sounds of approaching guards echoed up the stairs. "Quick, Nick, into the hat!" I yelled. We leaped into the hat, and in an instant, we were back where we'd left Arathorn.

"My hand is killing me." Nick groaned.

"It'll get better, don't worry." I assured him.

"I can't believe we lost Fred." Nick said, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"We're going to get him back. First, let's return to Fred's place and see if there's anything that could lead us to Krueger." I suggested. "And let me try to undo the invisibility spell." I retrieved the wand from my bag and muttered, "manifesto." The spell lifted, and Arathorn became visible once again. It was hard to believe – I had actually performed magic.

"Impressive, John." Nick exclaimed.

We both hopped onto Arathorn's back, and I instructed, "Take us to Fred's place."

Arathorn immediately jolted, causing us to tumble to the ground.

"Where is Fred?" a bold voice demanded.

"Did you just say something?" I asked Nick.

"Nope, not a word." he replied.

"I was the one asking." The same voice persisted – it was Arathorn.

"Nick, can you hear Arathorn talking?" I queried.

"Nope, just his usual screeching." Nick said.

"Only you can understand me, John." Arathorn clarified.

"Wait, I can understand Arathorn." I realized. "Really? I can't hear anything. What's he saying?" Nick inquired.

"He's asking about Fred." I conveyed. Then, addressing Arathorn, I explained, "Krueger took Fred and said he's imprisoning him in the abyss."

"And you guys didn't do anything to save him?" Arathorn questioned.

"No, he was too powerful for us." I admitted.

"You've got a lot to learn, John. Do you even comprehend the strength of your ancestors? They never lost a single battle. And here you are, unable to rescue Fred from a demon. You're a disgrace." Arathorn scolded.

"What's he saying?" Nick inquired.

"He's basically mocking me for not being able to save Fred." I explained.

"Hey, come on, buddy. You realize how strong he is, right? We gave our all, but it wasn't enough to rescue Fred." Nick consoled Arathorn.

"I just feel like a dead weight there. I should have been more useful." I lamented.

"Don't beat yourself up, man. It's like trying to defeat the final boss of a video game when you're still at level 1. We'll enhance our skills, and next time we face him, we'll have a better shot." Nick encouraged.

Arathorn chuckled. "What's funny?" I questioned.

"You haven't even glimpsed his full might yet. He was probably just playing with you two. No matter how much you improve, taking him down is beyond your reach." he said.

"We'll see about that." I retorted. "Arathorn, can you take us to Fred's place?"

"Of course, hop on." Arathorn agreed. "Finally, he granted permission, Nick. Let's go." I said, and we soared towards Fred's residence.

In less than thirty minutes, we arrived back in our hometown. We touched down at Fred's residence in St. Christ woods. The woods seemed less ominous in the daylight. We positioned Arathorn near his house, and I cast the invisibility spell.

"My hand's still killing me." Nick grimaced, holding his injured hand.

"You've got incredible healing abilities. You'll be fine soon. Let's look around here first for anything helpful, and if the pain persists, we'll head to the hospital." I replied. As we approached the door, we noticed it was already shattered, and I heard noises of things being knocked around inside.

"Looks like someone broke in." Nick observed.

John Victor: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now