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"Told ya, that's my pet." Fred laughed.

"Man, why don't you have a normal pet like a cat or a dog? Who in their right mind has a giant anaconda for a pet?" Nick asked, clearly taken aback.

"So, the rumors are indeed true." I muttered.

"Yeah, they are. It's funny to see people come in here so brave, and then I let my pets loose, and they run for their lives." Fred giggled.

"Pets? You mean you have more like these?" Nick asked, surprised.

"Quite a few." Fred replied.

"Okay, enough. What is the spell you were talking about?" I asked, trying to get back on track.

"It's called the awakening spell. It basically taps into your inner potential, your spirit's capabilities." Fred explained.

"So, what will happen exactly?" I asked.

"Well, John, you come from a bloodline of wizards, so if I perform this spell on you, your inner magical powers will awaken." Fred replied.

"Wizardry? You mean I can perform magic too?" I asked in amazement.

"Yeah, Victors were the most powerful wizards in this universe once upon a time. Each one was a powerhouse of their own kind." Fred replied, adding to the mystique.

"So, I could do magic too? That's awesome!" Nick interrupted, showing his excitement.

"No, unfortunately, you can't." Fred replied, disappointing Nick.

"Why not?" Nick asked, his excitement quickly fading.

"Well, the Richards come from a bloodline of hunters, the most formidable clan ever to exist. So, if the awakening spell works on you, you'll become faster, stronger, more durable, and have heightened instincts." Fred explained.

"Hunters? Were we hunting animals in the past or something?" Nick asked, trying to understand.

"No, much worse. We are demon hunters." Fred revealed, exposing their true purpose.

"Demon hunters? Seriously? I always thought demons were just stuff of myths and movies." Nick exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, all sorts of creatures you've seen in movies, like vampires, werewolves, ogres, goblins, and more." Fred confirmed, affirming the existence of these supernatural beings.

"Awesome! I'm so stoked. Cast that spell quick." Nick said with excitement.

"Hold on, dude. I still have my doubts about trusting this guy." I hesitated.

"Come on, John. I need that strength boost. Remember how I lost to Ryan in a fight? If this old man's words are true and I get stronger while you can do magic, it's a win-win situation. I could finally get revenge on that asshole." Nick whispered.

I couldn't believe how quickly Nick agreed to the idea. He's a hard man to impress.

"Come on, John. Don't be scared. Time's running out. If you both cooperate, it will be over in a minute." Fred urged.

"Alright, let's do it." I finally agreed.

Fred asked both of us to stand close to each other and close our eyes. We stood together, closed our eyes, and hoped for the best.

"Well, it might sting a bit, so be cautious." Fred warned.

Fred's chanting became more intense, and though I couldn't understand the language, it sounded like Greek. As he continued with the mesmerizing rhythm of his words, a strange sensation washed over me. My body began to heat up, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more overwhelming, Fred raised his voice and exclaimed, "Ethereal Ascendio!"

John Victor: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now