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"I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS!" I shouted.

"Enough with the lies! If you don't disclose his whereabouts, you will face execution." the Judge threatened menacingly.

"KILL HIM, KILL HIM, KILL HIM!" The counsel chanted. I'd had enough of their nonsense.

"You know what? I'll summon him here." I declared, pulling out the signal bullet.

All eyes were on me as I pulled the string, and the bullet shot into the sky, displaying the text 'SOS'.

I waited for him to appear right away, but unfortunately, he didn't.

"I don't see him anywhere." Herman scoffed.

"Detain him in the prison. We'll determine his fate later." the Judge ordered.

Two ghosts swiftly came forward and handcuffed me. Suddenly, a hat came flying towards us and knocked them both out. Frederick emerged from the hat.

"What's up, losers?" he said with a grin.

"Capture that bastard!" The Judge yelled.

A bunch of ghosts attempted to take him down, but they couldn't. He effortlessly beat the shit out of them. The other ghosts decided to back off instead of engaging in a fight. Herman conjured a sword out of thin air and charged towards Fred. Fred, however, pulled out a sword from his hat and was prepared to defend himself. Herman swung his sword multiple times, but he couldn't even scratch Fred. He moved with such speed, deftly dodging all of Herman's attacks.

"You're too slow." Fred taunted.

Herman made a quick blow trying to cut his head off, but Fred blocked that with ease.

"This time I'll get you." Herman said angrily.

"Man, you've been talking big for years, but you still can't back it up." Fred mocked him.

Herman swung his sword furiously in all directions, trying to land a fatal blow on Fred. However, Fred effortlessly blocked each attack, showing no signs of strain. Seizing an opportunity, Herman tossed his sword into the air to create a distraction. While Fred's attention was momentarily diverted, Herman swiftly drew a dagger from his left hand and plunged it into Fred's stomach.

"Got you!" Herman shouted triumphantly. But his victory was short-lived as Fred took a few steps back, clutching his bleeding belly. His carefree smile vanished, replaced by a determined and serious expression. In an instant, he sprinted forward and executed a jump double front kick right into Herman's chest, sending him hurtling backward until he crashed to the ground, unable to move.

Performing a graceful backflip after the kick, Fred landed with superhero-like precision. Herman was left defenseless and struggling to get back on his feet. Fred wasted no time, sprinting toward him again and pressing his sword against Herman's neck. It was astounding how quickly Fred could move, and the tables had turned dramatically in the blink of an eye.

"Just concede that I'm superior." Fred needled Herman.

Herman laughed defiantly, spitting on the ground, and retorted, "I would never."

In a lightning-fast move, Fred delivered a single deadly blow, severing Herman's head from his body. "I don't tolerate disrespect." Fred added with a cold expression.

"Hasta la vista, losers." Fred taunted once more, and we both jumped back into the hat.

In an instant, we reappeared at the exact location where the ghosts had confronted me. To my relief, my bike was still there, perfectly intact. I had feared that someone might have stolen it while I was dealing with the ghosts.

John Victor: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now