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Listen to "Here with me" by d4vd.

Felix and Hyunjin were sitting accross each other, staring eye-to-eye, when they finished eating at one of the restaurants the latter made a reservation, located in some remote area. Hyunjin had a lot to say, and so did Felix, and they were not thinking the same thing this time. It's opposite because Felix wanted to ask if they can meet again, and Hyunjin was going to put a stop to all the hopes the younger was getting up. Its not like that Hyunjin was completely fine with having to do this, he was not, but would have to do it anyway. For his dear father.

"Felix?" Hyunjin starts.

"Yes?" His innocent smile, and his hopeful eyes were making it hard for the older to continue.

"Let's not meet again; ever." He managed to say.

Felix's smile disappeared, and only god knows how much Hyunjin hated himself at that moment for being the reason behind it. The boy blinked a few times, trying to not to let his tears fall, but they fell, automatically. The liquids streamed down his cheeks, while the older could do nothing but watch and blame himself. Pathetic, he was pathetic. Not Felix, but Hyunjin. Only if he lived a life of an ordinary person.

"Okay." The boy took deep breaths, so that his words don't come out broken and inaudible. "But may I know why?"

And this is where he fails to answer. Hyunjin, when he was in Korea, still in school, has always been envious of Felix. He was courageous, while Hyunjin was a coward, he was straightforward, while Hyunjin was basically a mute despite all the attention he got, he was kind-hearted but Hyunjin was a cruel person, even though he didn't want to, he had to be one because he was a coward.

Hyunjin had no logical answer for the question Felix threw at him, so he lies,

"I'll be really busy these days, and after that I might even leave Canada and go somewhere else. I can't just meet anyone and waste my time, you know?"
I'm sorry Felix, but I'm not worthy of someone like you...

The boy's tender and loving heart shattered into a million pieces hearing Hyunjin. Meeting me means wasting his time? I deserved it though, for thinking it'd still be the same even after 1 year. Felix wiped his eyes and got up, and payed for his meal like a decent man should, knowing damn well someone as rich as Hyunjin wouldn't give a fuck about money, and didn't look back once before leaving.

And then when he luckily found a taxi in this area, he plopped into the backseat and wailed until he reached their hotel. The taxi driver might have wanted to throw him out at some point but that man was understanding and said,"Breakups aren't a big deal, but you can cry, though.",Felix didn't bother to tell him that it was not a breakup that he had. And Hyunjin didn't even try to stop him, or at least stop him from paying, proving that he gives zero fucks about Felix.

He went straight to his room and bawled his eyes out for like 1 hour and then had a great sleep.


"Is he dead?" Minho asks Jisung.

They called Felix multiple times but he was not picking up, thankfully they thought of checking his room which they would have no access to if it was locked from the inside. His tear-stained cheeks and smudged mascara were only adding into their worries. The shook him, but he wouldn't budge at all.

"Try sprinkling water on his face, that should help." Jisung suggests.

And when they do so, it actually works, because Felix slowly opened his eyes. He scanned his surroundings,and asked,

"Where am I? What time is it?"

"You're in your room, and its 7 pm and you've been sleeping as if you were dead for 5 hours straight." Minho answers.

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