𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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At this moment, I remember that I've been hurt. I was stabbed and shot and I didn't even thought about this. I forgot it and yet now that I think about it, I feel the pain of my wounds. On the same side, one in my shoulder and one in my back. As if I had been pierced, as of the holes of my wounds joined together to form one.

Did I really do this for few men that I don't even know and that I'm supposed to kill? Yes, I did and I think I know why. For me, to prove that I'm not like them. For myself, again; one shot and everything would have been over. Him or me, in both way I would have win but for a different reason and life didn't choose any of these.

After this realization, I run into the bathroom and take off my tunic. I stand in front of the mirror and yes, indeed, I see my back bruised by blows and covered in bruises; then I look at my hands and they are covered in bruises too. I couldn't see my back because there was no mirror in the bathroom where au took my shower earlier.

But I hadn't paid attention to my hands.

Just as dirty on the outside as in the actions and the past. Same state, same guilt, same regrets.

Proof that you should not judge a book by its cover, appear beautiful or normal on the outside but be the most disgusting of beings on the inside. It's a curse, my life is one too. I am for all my loved ones, my mother is dead as well as my brother and Sofia is in my real world now.

It's been about two hours that I'm laying on my bed doing nothing. But something goes through my head, an idea to not look like a lion in cage anymore.

I  rapidly get up ans go tale a needle in the medecine chest which is in the bathroom. I search for a needle to try to open this fucking door.

Previously, I would never have thought that I would be about to try to unlock a door with a needle because I am locked in like a poor toddler; and even less to be locked up a second time. After a few seconds of searching I finally managed to catch it thanks to the tip of the needle which jabs in my finger. This little shit hurts.

Fortunately we are not in a fairy tale otherwise I would have gone to bed and I would be plunged into eternal sleep; anyway, my name is not aurore aka the sleeping beauty.

I was as discreet as possible, when I got up to head towards the exit, I hear voices apparently coming from the floor below. Quite loud voices and close to access to the floor on which I am. I then stop in my movement for a few seconds to test the waters before starting my liberation process.

I approach the door slowly and quietly to hear the slightest noise coming from the other side of the door. But when I am about to manipulate the needle in the keyhole, I hear footsteps coming towards the room in which I am.

The approaching footsteps are heavy and angry, ready to reduce the world to ashes. I quickly move away from the door for fear that the person who arrives in fury will break down the door in his path and reshape my face at the same time.

My ear then recognizes the sound of a door slamming. Slightly to the right and so loud that my body jumps when the noise sounds.

Cas is here, apparently.

Confusion takes control of my mind, I press a little closer against the wall that separates our rooms to hear the reason that put him in this slightly terrifying state just by hearing the noises emanating from his room. As if he was unleashed on what was in front of him, objects shattered against the ground, others against the wall. Terrifying, yes.

-FUCK! He shouts, out of him.

The sound of a bottle shattering against the wall between our rooms made me jump back. I don't know what put him in this state, but considering his anger, I doubt it's not much. I want to know why he is so wild but I don't really want to know this side of him and even less the mess that must be in his room.

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