𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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I missed seeing the sea water as far as the eye could see. It is undiscovered, mysterious and deep, like my soul. 

On the pontoon, where Cas left me with a gun in my hands, I tend to the wound in my back. I managed to find a first aid kit despite the doors to the living rooms being closed. With the wind in my hair, I take advantage of this fresh air to think about what Alonzo said.

I place the pad on the ground and turn to watch Cas survey the horizon, in front of the steering wheel of the yacht. I get up and approach, being careful where I step because I am barefoot.

I find a topic to start a discussion that I would prefer that doesn't get into combat, this time.

- How long does it take to travel to Naples? I ask, unsure of his answer.

- We are not going to Naples. He answers sharply few seconds later.

- Why?

My hair in the wind, the night has already almost completely fallen and the sound of the water under the boat, the atmosphere is perfect and I don't want to spoil it because he decided to be grumpy after what he It happened a few hours earlier, although I understand his anger. But he can't blame me.

- Because it's like that. And stop asking me questions, I need to be calm. He argues without even looking at me.

- Come on, Cas. 

He offers me his silence, I am surprised because it is the first time that he has not answered me even though he has the opportunity.

- You know, I know how your father died. I could tell you, but either you tell me what else you have planned to try to kill me and my cartel without you having to do it, or you kill me and I take this secret with me, Cas.

This blackmail seems to be working, I see that he raises his head and turns it a little towards me. This is the kind of reaction I wanted to provoke. He turns his entire body towards me, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes filled with rage.

His breathing then accelerates, making me think that I am coming face to face with a bull.

- I'm not playing with your little games anymore, Alexya. 

His hateful tone and "I don't care" make me angry too easily. I wonder if his mission is really the same as mine. 

He's been avoiding everything for the past few hours and he could have killed me at any time but he decided not to. I really don't understand what's going on in his head. He is so inconsistent.

- Damn, I moved heaven and earth to find my brother and your fucking uncle confessed that he killed him in cold blood and threw him off a cliff, and the worst part of it all is that my father knew it! I yell, my hair blowing in the wind and the tears welling in my eyes. And now my dad just got shot right in front of me! I couldn't do anything. I didn't even know he was there, fuck.

- Listen to me Alexya, my uncle fooled me too, damn it! I didn't know about it either and we're going to have to hide because this asshole decided to turn this party into a bloodbath. Doesn't it occur to you that I, too, need answers? He shouts in turn, the features of his face distorted like I've never seen it before and his voice brittle with rage. And I don't even know if my brother and my men are alive! He points to the horizon, in the direction of Sicily.

His last sentence takes my breath away. I then think of my two friends, Alice with whom I had a disagreement without knowing that it was possibly the last time I saw her and Sofia who I left with Darius so that I could take care of my ego and of my thirst to show that I am not incapable as my father said so well.

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