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The producer was looking straight at the river in front of them, having thousands of thoughts in his mind.

Hyunsuk then opened a can of beer and handed it to his friend.

“Thank you” the producer smiled then drank the beer on his hand.

“Feeling a lot better?” Hyunsuk saw that his friend nodded.

“Bro, your performance is almost the day after tomorrow. You'll sing in the music fest looking like you had been stung by a bee” Hyunsuk joked, trying to make the younger smile.

Yoshi just sent him daggers through his eyes jokingly, and that made the older laugh at himself.

“I'm just joking, nori. That's okay. I'm glad you had cried all of your worries”



The noise of the vehicle from a far was the only thing they could hear as well as the noise of water coming from the river.

This somehow made the producer relaxed at some point.

“Have you ever fallen in love?”

His older friend averted his gaze on him, waiting if there was something he'll say after the question.

“Did you ever felt how it's like to have an unrequited love for someone?”

“Of course, I had been in that stage, Yosh.” Hyunsuk answered.

“When I was young, I used to think that these kind of love never exist. Because you know, people are bound to love each other”

“Your younger self must've been so disappointed if he finds out about this” Hyunsuk remarked.

“I'm sure he would”

The two both had a sip of their beer, still admiring the relaxing view in front of them.

“Will you believe me if I said I am in love with someone right now?”

Hyunsuk smiled and played his beer in circular motion, “I know.”

“You know?”

“We had been friends for 7 years, Kanemoto. Besides, it wasn't that hard to read you”

Yoshi doesn't know what to feel because to be honest, he was right. He was not good at hiding his feelings. When he feels something, people would easily know.

“Tell me about it”

“I will not deny that it was the best feeling for me, but at the same time it could also be the most painful” Hyunsuk nodded.

He agrees with it.

“He was a warm person. He sees both sides of everything. He never makes me feel alone, never belittles me for being an orphan and a trying hard music producer”

Hyunsuk could see well why he was so head over heels for that person. It was the exact traits that Yoshi had been looking for a partner. He can't blame him.

“He always compliments me, making me feel like I was the most beautiful creature in the world”

“But just as I was so true about my feelings, it feels like it was quick for the reality to slap me hard that he doesn't like me”

“I was trying to stop this stupid feelings of mine but maybe I was too deprived of love that I would eventually fall for his words” Yoshi laughed bitterly as he took another sip of his beer.

“He wasn't mine to begin with. Maybe it was my fault for being too attached with him”

“I understand, Kanemoto. But please don't fully blame yourself about it”

“I just couldn't help it, Suk. I have always told myself that it was okay for me just to see him happy everyday, to admire him from a far but I don't know..”

“As my feelings deepens for him, I was having these urge to make him mine even though I clearly know that I don't stand even a chance with him”

“Have you ever consider to tell him what you feel?”

“He liked someone else. I don't want to break their relationship just because of my stupid feelings”

As he explain his feelings, he feels like crying again. It hurts him so much.

“He was my world, Suk. But he was building his own world with someone else. It frustrates me how I can just wish to see him each day because I can't say that I love him, and it feels horrible. I pity myself for feeling this way. I am pathetic”

Hyunsuk just looked at his friend with worry and sadness. If only he could help.

“Don't say that, Kanemoto. You are not pathetic for falling in love. You know love can also be a trial and error”

Hyunsuk doesn't want to persuade the older to confess his feelings because as Yoshi said, he liked someone else. He doesn't want his friend to break someone's relationship. It will feel so devastating for the both parties.

“As long as I am here, you'll have me to accompany you until you feel okay again. Don't worry” Yoshi flashed a sad smile.

“Thank you, Choi. I hope you find someone who will love you too”

“You too. Because you deserve the love you give to other people. The most genuine person you like deserve the same genuine love. Always remember that”

“But if you don't mind, may I ask who the guy you like is?”

It took Yoshi a couple of minutes before he finally disclosed his identity. Maybe it was the right time to tell Hyunsuk.

“Junghwan, So Junghwan from the cafe that we had been going to..”

to be continued..

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