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Yoshi was quietly enjoying his cookies and cream frappe while looking at the river water shining through the sun when he heard his phone rang suddenly.

He immediately picked up his phone from his jeans's pocket and answered the call.

"Hey Nori!" Just by the sound of the voice, he knows it was Yeonjun.

Yeonjun was seriously Hyunsuk's friend. But the two met on the orphanage more than thrice after knowing that he was one of the volunteer worker's on the orphanage.

Despite the year gap of their age, the two got along well.

"You still call me with that name" Yoshi sulked. He prefers to be called as Yoshi since he thinks that it was more cuter.

"What? It was cute though. But anyways, when are you visiting here? The children says they miss you a lot" he automatically smiled upon hearing the kids.

He missed them a lot too. And he remembers that it was almost 5 months when he last visits the orphanage.

As a person who grew up on an orphanage. He developed a soft spot for the children. They reminds him of how both sad and happy he felt while growing up without his own parents.

The nuns and his friends are only the ones he grew up with. But despite that, it doesn't failed Yoshi to grow up as a very caring and loving young man especially to his passion and the people he loves the most.

"I can actually go now"

"Eyy, is my producer isn't busy?" Yeonjun teasingly asked.

"Nope. Might as well I should go there. I miss the kids too"

"I'll tell the children. Text me if you are here okay"

"Noted master" Yoshi replied while chuckling and hung up the phone.

Yoshi took a sip from his drink for the last time before he went back on his car.

Between the trip towards the orphanage, he decided to open the music player that was currently playing a new song.

❝There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place❞

Eyes on the road while he was trying to analyze every sentence of the song. It was new to his ears. But all he knows is that this song belongs to Taylor Swift.

His friends like that singer a lot, might as well her songs. He listened to her songs maybe once, or even twice and he somehow likes them a lot. Just because he loves how he matches every lyrics of his songs.

Walls of insincerity, shifting

eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting
to meet you❞

❝Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
'Cross the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me❞

❝The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy❞

(Sad to say he did not heard the best part😔)

Just as the chorus was playing next, he finally arrived the orphanage and stopped his car at the parking lot before he proceeded to go inside the orphanage.

Texting Yeonjun that he was on the lobby, his eyes lingered around the orphanage, scanning some changes around the the environment.

"Nori!" Yeonjun called the younger while excitedly waving his hands to him.

"Hyung! How are you doing?" Yoshi greeted and hugged the older.

"Missed you bro. I'm doing good. Hey, are you okay? Hyunsuk told me the sad story" Yeonjun was pertaining to his rejected song.

Instead of feeling sad about the song, he already moved on from it 3 days ago. Maybe the constant cheer from Hyunsuk and also you know from his special person really gave him the motivation to keep on writing songs.

"It's okay, I'm okay. You don't have to worry much"

"Let's not talk about that. I know you are the best, people will acknowledge your talent someday" Yoshi smiled at the compliment from Yeonjun.

The past few days was a bit hard for him but it was good that he was sorrounded with wonderful and good people to motivate him whenever he fails.

"Anyways, you came alone. You still have no special someone right now?" Yeonjun teased the younger for being single.

"Nah, I know they'll come someday. Not in the rush for love" he answered.

"I know but I am still sad for you. You know you deserve to be happy and I hope you find that someone that'll give you that happiness"

Well, he was hoping too. But as far as he's still alone, he wanted to explore more about some things. However, he understands where Yeonjun was coming from.

Seeing how Yoshi was enduring everything in his own, Yeonjun hoped that someone will give him the beyond deserved happiness to Yoshi.

Even though he can make himself happy alone, it still feels different to have that special someone who'll show you constant love and support to everything he does. Especially to support him in producing songs.

The two was stopped talking upon hearing some claps not far from where they are talking. They both looked where the claps came from only to found out that it was nuns with the big smile on their faces as if they received a very good news.

"What's with their smiles?" Yoshi curiously asked.

"The Philanthropist visited today" Yeonjun replied.

"Philanthropist? Who?"

"The So's"

"The what?"

Yeonjun laughed at the confused Yoshi before he explained the details more further.

"The son of the So came today to donate to our orphanage. Her son had been donating to us for the past 3 years since I heard his mother was currently out of the town"

"Don't they have names?"

"I just know their son's name. I heard the sisters had been calling him... Wait what was it again"

Waiting for Yeonjun to remember their major contributor's son's name. Yoshi again averted his gaze at the nuns. The two were facimg their backs so he really can't see clearly what is going on between them.

"Oh wait! I remember"

Just as Yeonjun were about to say the son of the contributor's name. The nuns finally made way as a tall figure walk between them with an alluring bright smile on his lips.

"It was So Junghwan"

Yoshi's eyes was slowly widening upon recognizing the figure.

At some point, it feels like he can't see anyone but the tall young man who said to be the son of their major contributor. His smile was shining bright as ever.


to be continued..

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