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"Lia, can you do me some favor?" Junghwan asked his co-worker since he was still busy some things in the cashier area.

"Sure! Name it" Lia was smiling as he walked beside the korean male who was busy writing something on paper inserted in a clipboard.

"Please check the ingredients on the kitchen and on the stock room. Write the quantity if we still have enough stock of ingredients. Our supplier will deliver here next week so I should be requesting some additional ingredients on them" Junghwan instructed.

Junghwan was busy pointing what Lia would put in the chart. Lia's eyes looked up, she was about to look back down when a familiar face entered the cafe.

Her stares was pinned on the guy walking towards the cashier. There was something different on him today.

"Sir.." she called out for his boss.

"Later Lia, focus here" Junghwan again said still looking at the chart.

"But wait, look..." Lia's heart fluttered when the familiar face smiled at her.

"S-sir, that's one of your regular customer right?" Lia nudged his boss, making him look at who she was talking about.

Junghwan was annoyed, having his forehead creased when he finally looked up.

Like the movies, as their gazes connected to each other, Junghwan's chest pounded. It seems like everything slows down as he stared at the specific person walking towards the cashier.

Along with that, one word came to his mind.


Junghwan couldn't almost breath when he saw the guy smiled at him and waved his hand for a greeting.

Lia looked at his boss and smirked, seeing him looking all astonished as his eyes were stuck on the guy.

"Hi! Good morning?" the black-haired guy greeted. Lia, on the other hand smiled at him and greeted him back.

"Sir Yoshi! Good morning! What can I help you for today?" Lia energetically asked.

Yoshi was delighted at Lia's energy today. It was a good day, a very good day. The now black-haired guy averted his gaze at the younger who are now dumbfounded on his current position. With a genuine confusion on his face, Yoshi had come to ask him if he was all fine.

"Hi, you okay?" Yoshi asked the younger as he waved his hand in front of Junghwan's face like he was trying to get his attention.

Junghwan, who was dumbfounded for a minute finally came to his senses as he smiled at the japanese and greeted him with his bright smile, as always.

"Hey, you're here! I'm glad you came today. What are you getting today?" 

To be honest, the younger korean was trying his best to stay in composure. He doesn't know what is going with him right at that moment, he doesn't have any idea about it.

"I would like a caramel macchiato, grande please" 

"For here or to go?" 

"To go"

"Is there anything else you would like to add, Sir?" 

"Oh uhm, that's all. Thanks" Junghwan immediately wrote his order in the order slip. He was all ready to go to the kitchen when Lia smirked and snatched the slip from her boss.

"I'll take care of this" Lia then dashes out of the cashier area to take care of the order, leaving the two all alone. 

Junghwan cleared his throat and looked down on the monitor to pretend that he was doing something when all he can do is to click the monitor, so it won't turn off. Junghwan had always been confident and smiley with customers, most especially with Yoshi but for some reasons he wasn't feeling like that today.

"How's the cafe?" the japanese initiated the conversation. 

"Oh uhm, the cafe is doing fine. How about you? There's something different with you today" Yoshi felt like his cheeks were burning and so he doesn't want to become obvious in front of the latter.

Junghwan wanted to compliment him with his new hair, but he can't think of any words to express it without sounding so weird. 

"I am also doing good today. Uhm, you said that I look different now right? In what way?" Yoshi innocently asked, though he already knew whatthe younger meant, he still lowkey wanted to hear it from Junghwan directly.

The younger was about to reply when Lia from the kitchen rang the service bell, signalling that the order was already served. Junghwan smiled at Yoshi before he took the order and gave it to the older.

"Here's your order hyung. Have a nice day!" Yoshi didn't have any other choice but to leave the place with his order.

Feeling a bit sad that day, holding the door open when the younger shouted his name, "Yoshi hyung!", the older immediately turned around as he asked the younger through his facial expression. He was absolutely waiting for something.

The younger ran towards him and smiled, Yoshi's favorite things to see everyday.

"U-uhh, let's go home together after my shift. Are you go for a walk later?"

Yoshi's face lit up as he immediately smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'll see you later"

"Okay, be careful on your way"

Yoshi finally went out of the cafe as he pouted, "he didn't even notice that I changed my hair color" he said sulkily. 

to be continued..

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