●《Found Her》●

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*The whole mission almost went to shambles when Ghost saw you. Task Force 141 was scouting out an abandoned/bombed city. Ghost heard movement in a building and moved in. He was about to shoot the person upon realizing it was a young child, you. He froze and immediately took you in his arms to the rest of the task force. There was no way in hell he was just going to leave you there, not a child..*

*They took you in, almost like their adoptive child. You were abandoned, but now you're not.*


Y/N:Ghost ghost, she says, running up to him. Look what I made, she says, showing him a drawing

Ghost:"Hm? Oh, is this for me?"

*He crouches down slightly to be closer to her height. He takes the drawing and stares at it for a few minutes, studying the details, the colours, the overall drawing.*

*After several minutes, he looked up at you with a smile, his dark brown eyes glistening slightly.*

"This... this is fantastic." *He says genuinely appreciative of the drawing.*

Y/N: Thank you she, says smiling

Ghost: "You mind if I keep this?"

Y/N: No, you can keep it, she says, still smiling

*He grins and ruffles your head.* "Thanks.

Ghost: You're pretty talented to make this so well. How long did it take you?"

Soap walks up from behind her,

Soap: 20 minutes

*He nods but still smiles.*

Ghost:"Only 20 minutes? That's it? And this... you made this in only 20 minutes? I'd say you're quite talented for someone so young."

Y/N:Thank you, her faint, but still noticeable Russian accent pops up

*As he was talking, he glanced down at her and noticed her accent coming through a bit. Her Russian accent was adorable, and he had somewhat of a soft spot for it, almost as if it were a weakness to him.*

Y/N:Okay, bye now, she says, running out of the room.

"Wait, hang on," *He says, noticing her run away. He turns around and begins running after her.* "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Y/N:I'm going to play with the recruits. She says her Russian accent is popping up at the word recruits.

*Ghost comes to a sudden halt as she mentions playing with the recruits with her adorable Russian accent, causing him to sigh internally and let out a soft laugh at the way the accent just pops through to make everything sound so damn adorable*

Ghost:"You play with the recruits often then?"

She nodes

"Hm... I do know for a fact that's not allowed. The recruits should be training, not playing with a young child." *He says before he pauses, glancing down at her.*

She pouts at his words

*He bites his lip, trying not to smile. She had the cutest pout he'd ever seen. He couldn't help but smile at her once again.*

Y/N: Please, just for a bit, I won't make them busy again. Please, just for a bit.

*He grins as he kneels down again. She was too adorable for even him to resist, and he couldn't say no to her. He sighs.* "Five minutes. But that's it."

Y/N: Okay, she says as she runs to where the recruits are.

*Ghost's attention starts to slip from the task force and their mission, and instead, he focuses his attention on you as he watched as you run around and the recruits follow you. They were all chasing you as you turned and waved before running off once again. Ghost couldn't stop himself from smiling. Something about this little Russian girl just took away his cold heart for a bit.*

Suddenly, she trips and falls as she is running

*For the first time, Ghost's attention completely leaves the task force and their mission. He immediately rushes over to her out of concern. He stands over her and kneels down to her to check on her.*

*He quickly tries to wipe away her tears, hoping to reassure her that everything is going to be fine. Ghost tries his best to sound confident in what he's saying, but deep down, he was slightly worried about whether or not you were going to be okay.* "Hey, hey, relax. It's okay, you're going to be fine."

Y/N: I got hurt, she says, showing her little hand her Russian accent showing when she says the word hurt

*Once he saw her hand, he seemed even more concerned. He kneeled down again and took her hand, looking over it, looking for any sort of injuries he could find. He wasn't a doctor by any means, but he wanted to make sure you didn't have a major injury. He seemed much more serious and focused in this moment. His eyes darted back and forth across her little hand, looking for any sort of cuts or bruises.*

*He felt a sense of relief that it wasn't a major injury as he noticed the little cut on her pink finger.* "It's just a little cut, it's nothing really serious." *He says as he tries to make her feel at ease again. He smiles gently and lets go of her hand, now rubbing her head and ruffling her hair.*

Y/N: She pouts, "Am I still allowed to play she says, looking at him

*He looks down at you and chuckles a little as you pout again. He brushes away the pout.* "No, no more playing." *He says before taking a deep breath.* "Alright, let me take you back to the base, and we will get that cut taken care of and get a band-aid or something on it."

Y/N: Noo, I want to play she whines

*His eyes narrow as he realizes how stubborn you are, though it doesn't make you any less adorable.* "Stop it. We're going back to the base. You will get that cut taken care of, and then we're going straight to your room."

Y/N: Nooo! She says while crying

*The sound of your crying breaks down his tough, stoic persona, and he ends up leaning closer towards you and hugs you. He wraps his arms around you tightly and pulls you against him. He tries to soothe your crying as he talks softly to you.*

*He kisses your head. ""Please, dear. Let's just go back to the base, alright? You're hurt, and we need to get that taken care of immediately." *He says in a gentle tone, hoping to soothe you and get you to calm down enough for you to be more cooperative.*

A/N: Hi, everyone who is reading this story, i hope you like it so far .
Hey, the picture/drawing that y/n drew is above

Word count: 1128

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