●Unforeseen Challenges●

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*The weeks following the festival are filled with training and routine missions for the base. Y/N, though young, finds ways to contribute. She helps in the kitchen, brings water to the recruits during their drills, and even learns a few self-defense moves from Soap and Ghost. Her presence brings a sense of normalcy and joy to the otherwise serious and demanding environment.*

*One afternoon, as Y/N is playing outside near the training grounds, she notices a group of recruits gathered around a piece of equipment that seems to be malfunctioning. Curious, she approaches and sees the frustration on their faces.*

Y/N: What's wrong?

*One of the recruits, a young man named Jackson, looks up and sighs.*

Jackson: This generator is acting up again. We can't seem to get it working, and without it, we'll lose power to the barracks.

*Y/N furrows her brow, thinking hard. She remembers watching one of the engineers fix a similar problem a few weeks ago.*

Y/N: Maybe it's the fuel line. Have you checked if it's clogged?

*Jackson blinks in surprise, then smiles at her.*

Jackson: That's a good idea, Y/N. Thanks.

*As the recruits begin to check the fuel line, Ghost walks over, having observed the interaction from a distance. He places a hand on Y/N's shoulder, pride evident in his eyes.*

Ghost: You're quite the problem solver, aren't you?

*Y/N looks up at him with a big smile.*

Y/N: I just remembered what the engineer did last time. I wanted to help.

*Ghost ruffles her hair, his expression softening.*

Ghost: You're doing great, kiddo. Keep it up.

*Later that evening, after a long day of drills and maintenance work, the base falls into a peaceful quiet. Y/N, feeling a bit restless, decides to visit the small garden at the back of the compound. It's her favourite spot, a place where she can think and unwind.*

*As she walks among the flowers, she hears a rustling noise. Her heart skips a beat, but she takes a deep breath and tries to stay calm. She moves cautiously towards the sound and finds a small kitten, tangled in some netting. The kitten looks up at her with wide, frightened eyes.*

Y/N: Oh no, you poor thing.

*She carefully untangles the kitten, speaking to it softly to keep it calm. Once free, the kitten nuzzles against her hand, purring softly. Y/N smiles, feeling a sense of accomplishment and compassion.*

*She decides to take the kitten to the base's infirmary to get it checked out. On her way, she runs into Soap, who raises an eyebrow at the sight of the kitten in her arms.*

Soap: Found a new friend, did you?

*Y/N nods, her eyes shining with excitement.*

Y/N: He was stuck in the netting. Can we keep him, soap? Please?

*Soap chuckles and scratches his head, thinking for a moment.*

Soap: Well, I suppose we could use a mascot. Let's see what Ghost has to say.

*They make their way to Ghost's quarters, where Ghost is reviewing some mission reports. He looks up as they enter, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of the kitten.*

Ghost: What's this?

Y/N: *pleadingly* Ghost, can we keep him? He was stuck, and I rescued him. He could be our base mascot!

*Ghost looks at the kitten, then at Y/N's hopeful expression. He sighs, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.*

Ghost: Alright, alright. But he's your responsibility, Y/N. Make sure he stays out of trouble.

*Y/N's face lights up with joy.*

Y/N: Thank you, Ghost! I promise I'll take good care of him.

*The next few days are filled with excitement as the recruits and Y/N decide on a name for the new kitten. They finally settle on "Bravo" in honour of their unit. Bravo quickly becomes a beloved member of the base, providing comfort and companionship to everyone, especially Y/N.*

*One evening, as Y/N is feeding Bravo, she overhears Ghost and Soap talking in hushed tones. Their expressions are serious, and Y/N's curiosity is piqued.*

Y/N: *softly* What's wrong?

*Ghost and Soap exchange a glance before Ghost kneels down to her level.*

Ghost: We've received some intelligence about a potential threat. We need to be extra careful in the coming days.

*Y/N nods, her small hand resting on Bravo's head as she pets him soothingly.*

Y/N: I'll be careful. And I'll make sure Bravo stays safe, too.

*Ghost smiles, touched by her bravery and determination.*

Ghost: I know you will, little one. I know you will.

*As the base prepares for the potential threat, Y/N finds herself more determined than ever to contribute and support her new family. She helps with preparations, making sure everyone has what they need, and spends time with Bravo, who seems to sense the tension in the air.*

*The days pass with a heightened sense of vigilance. One night, an alarm blares, waking everyone from their sleep. Y/N's heart races as she grabs Bravo and rushes to find Ghost and Soap. She finds them in the command centre, coordinating the base's defenses.*

Ghost: Y/N, stay with Soap. He'll keep you safe.

*Soap picks her up, holding her close as they move to a secure location. The sounds of gunfire and explosions fill the air, and Y/N clings to Soap, trying to stay calm for Bravo's sake.*

*After what feels like an eternity, the sounds of battle die down. Ghost enters the room, his expression weary but relieved.*

Ghost: The threat has been neutralized. We're safe now.

*Y/N lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, tears of relief streaming down her face. Soap gently sets her down, and she runs to Ghost, hugging him tightly.*

Y/N: I'm so glad you're okay.

*Ghost hugs her back, his voice soft and reassuring.*

Ghost: We're all okay, thanks to everyone's bravery and teamwork.

*As the base returns to normalcy, Y/N feels a deep sense of pride and belonging. She knows that no matter what challenges come their way, they will face them together as a family. And with Bravo by her side, she feels ready to take on whatever the future holds.*

Heyy here is another chapter for you guys and thank you guys for the support ❤️

Word count:1075

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