●A New Beginning●

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*It's been a few weeks since the last intruder alert, and life at the base has gradually settled back into a steady rhythm. Y/N has started to regain her confidence, thanks to the continuous support from Ghost, Soap, and the recruits. Her days are now filled with laughter, learning, and new experiences, helping her move past the trauma of her kidnapping.*

*One bright morning, Y/N wakes up with a sense of excitement bubbling inside her. Today is a special day-the base is holding a small festival to celebrate the successful completion of recent missions and to boost morale. She quickly gets dressed and heads to the common area, where the preparations are already in full swing.*

*Ghost and Soap are overseeing the setup, directing the recruits as they hang decorations, and set up tables filled with food and drinks. The air is filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat and baked goods, making Y/N's mouth water.*

Y/N: *running up to Ghost* Good morning, Ghost! Everything looks amazing!

*Ghost looks down at her with a warm smile, ruffling her hair affectionately.*

Ghost: Good morning, little one. I'm glad you like it. We wanted to make today special for everyone.

*Soap joins them, carrying a tray of freshly baked cookies. He hands one to Y/N with a wink.*

Soap: Here you go, kiddo. Thought you might like a treat to start the day.

*Y/N takes the cookie eagerly, her eyes lighting up with delight.*

Y/N: Thanks, soap! These look delicious!

*As the festival begins, the atmosphere is filled with joy and camaraderie. There are games, music, and laughter, with everyone participating and enjoying themselves. Y/N moves from activity to activity, her spirits lifted by the festive environment. She plays games with the recruits, winning small prizes and sharing in the laughter and excitement.*

*In the afternoon, Ghost gathers everyone for a special announcement. He stands on a makeshift stage, with Soap by his side, and looks out at the assembled crowd.*

Ghost: Attention, everyone! I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Today, we celebrate not just our recent successes but also the strength and unity that make this team a family. As a special treat, we have a surprise guest joining us today.

*Y/N's curiosity is piqued as she looks around, wondering who the surprise guest could be. The crowd parts as a familiar figure step forward-it's Captain Price, one of the most respected leaders in the military.*

Price: *smiling* Hello, everyone. It's an honour to be here with you today. I've heard nothing but great things about this team, and I wanted to see it for myself.

*The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, thrilled to have Captain Price among them. Y/N's eyes widen in amazement as she watches him greet the recruits and speak with Ghost and Soap. She feels a sense of pride knowing that someone as important as Captain Price recognizes their hard work and dedication.*

*As the festivities continue, Y/N finds herself drawn to Captain Price. She approaches him cautiously, her shyness momentarily taking over. But Price notices her and gives her a warm smile, kneeling down to her level.*

Price: Well, hello there. You must be Y/N. Ghost and Soap have told me a lot about you.

*Y/N blushes, feeling both nervous and excited.*

Y/N: They have?

*Price nods, his smile never wavering.*

Price: They have. They told me how brave you are and how much you've been through. I wanted to tell you in person how proud we all are of you.

*Y/N's heart swells with pride and gratitude. She looks up at Captain Price with wide, adoring eyes.*

Y/N: Thank you, Captain Price. That means a lot to me.

*Price gently pats her shoulder, his expression kind and encouraging.*

Price: You're a strong and courageous young lady, Y/N. Keep believing in yourself, and never forget that you're part of this family.

*As the day turns into evening, the festival continues with a bonfire and a barbecue. The recruits share stories, sing songs, and enjoy the sense of camaraderie and togetherness. Y/N sits by the fire, wrapped in a blanket, feeling a deep sense of belonging and happiness.*

*Ghost and Soap join her, sitting on either side of her. They watch the fire in comfortable silence, the crackling flames casting a warm glow over their faces.*

Ghost: *looking down at Y/N* How are you feeling, little one?

*Y/N looks up at him with a content smile, her eyes reflecting the firelight.*

Y/N: I'm really happy, Ghost. Thank you for everything.

*Ghost wraps an arm around her, pulling her close.*

Ghost: You don't have to thank us. We're family, and family takes care of each other.

*Soap leans in, grinning.*

Soap: And just so you know, we've got your back, no matter what.

*Y/N feels a deep sense of gratitude and love for her new family. She knows that no matter what challenges come their way, they will face them together. And with that thought, she leans against Ghost, feeling safe, loved, and ready for whatever the future holds.*

*The night ends with a sense of peace and contentment. As Y/N drifts off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth and security of her family, she knows that she is truly home.*

Okay, double post, but it's great. I hope you enjoy. Thanks again

Word count :922

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