●A Glimpse of the Past●

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*The base has returned to its usual routine after the successful completion of the mission. Y/N is back to her daily tasks, but something has shifted within her. The recent events-the kidnapping, the mission, and the emotions that came with them-have left her with a deeper understanding of the dangers her friends face. Though she remains cheerful and optimistic, there's a new seriousness in her eyes that wasn't there before.*

*One afternoon, Y/N is wandering through the base with Bravo at her heels, looking for something to do. Most of the recruits are busy with training exercises, and Ghost and Soap are in a strategy meeting. Not wanting to interrupt, she decides to explore the parts of the base she hasn't visited much before.*

*As she walks down a long hallway lined with old photos and memorabilia, she finds herself drawn to a particular door at the end. It's slightly ajar, and she can see that it leads to a room filled with old boxes and crates. Curious, Y/N pushes the door open and steps inside.*

*The room is dimly lit, with dust motes dancing in the rays of sunlight that filter through a small window. It's clear this room hasn't been used in a while. Y/N glances around, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation as she realizes she's stumbled upon a storage room filled with relics from past missions.*

*She walks over to a large wooden crate and carefully pries it open. Inside, she finds old uniforms, faded maps, and various pieces of equipment that have seen better days. As she digs deeper, she comes across a small, battered journal with a leather cover. Intrigued, she picks it up and carefully opens it.*

*The pages are yellowed with age, and the handwriting is neat but firm, filled with notes, sketches, and observations from what appears to be an old mission. Y/N flips through the journal, captivated by the stories it holds. It's like peering into the past, seeing the world through the eyes of someone who lived it.*

*As she's reading, she suddenly hears a voice behind her.*

Ghost: Found something interesting?

*Y/N jumps, startled, and quickly turns around to see Ghost standing in the doorway. He's watching her with a curious but gentle expression.*

Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-

Ghost: It's okay. This room is full of old memories. What did you find?

*Y/N holds up the journal, and Ghost steps closer to take a look. His eyes soften as he recognizes it.*

Ghost: Ah, that belonged to one of the original members of our unit. He was a good man-smart, tough, and always ready with a plan. That journal is a piece of history.

*Y/N's eyes widen as she looks down at the journal with newfound respect. She's holding a piece of the past, something that connects her to the people who came before her, who fought the same battles and faced the same dangers.*

Y/N: Can I read it?

*Ghost nods, smiling slightly.*

Ghost: Of course. Just be careful with it-it's seen a lot of years.

*Y/N settles down on an old crate, flipping through the journal with even more interest now. Ghost watches her for a moment before walking over to another crate and pulling out an old photograph. He hands it to Y/N.*

Ghost: This is the original team. That's the man who wrote the journal.

*Y/N studies the photograph, recognizing the face of the man who wrote the journal. He looks strong and confident, surrounded by his team, all of them standing together in front of a mission site. It's a powerful image, and Y/N feels a sense of connection to these people she's never met but who have somehow become a part of her life.*

*As she continues to read, she comes across a passage that catches her attention. It's a description of a mission that went wrong, where the team had to make a difficult decision to save lives. The writer talks about the weight of responsibility, the fear of failure, and the bond between teammates that got them through it.*

Y/N: Ghost, do you ever feel like that? Like... the weight of it all is too much?

*Ghost sits down beside her, his expression thoughtful.*

Ghost: Sometimes. Leading a team, making the hard calls-it's never easy. But we do it because we have to. Because we know we can make a difference. And we rely on each other to get through it.

*Y/N nods slowly, absorbing his words. She looks back down at the journal, understanding now that the people in it were just like Ghost and Soap and the rest of the team-facing dangers, making tough decisions, and relying on each other to survive.*

Y/N: I want to be strong like you. I want to help, not just here at the base, but out there, too.

*Ghost looks at her, a mix of pride and caution in his eyes.*

Ghost: You're already strong, Y/N. Stronger than you know. But being out there... it's not something to rush into. It takes time, training, and experience. And you have plenty of time to learn and grow. For now, your job is to be safe and learn as much as you can.

*Y/N sighs, nodding in understanding. She knows he's right, but the desire to be more, to do more, is growing inside her.*

Y/N: I just want to be useful.

*Ghost reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder.*

Ghost: You are. Don't ever doubt that. You're a part of this team, and we need you here. We need your spirit, your kindness, and your heart. That's what makes you special.

*Y/N smiles, feeling a warmth spread through her. Ghost's words mean everything to her, and she feels a renewed sense of purpose. She may be young, but she's learning and growing every day, and she knows that one day, she'll be able to do even more.*

*They sit together in the quiet room, surrounded by the memories of the past. Y/N continues to read the journal, and Ghost occasionally shares stories about the old team, painting a picture of the people who came before them. It's a peaceful moment, one that connects the past and the present, and Y/N feels a deep sense of belonging.*

*As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow through the window, Y/N closes the journal and carefully places it back in the crate. She looks up at Ghost with a determined expression.*

Y/N: I'll keep learning. And I'll be ready when the time comes.

*Ghost smiles, standing up and offering her a hand.*

Ghost: I know you will. Come on, let's get some dinner. You've earned it.

*Y/N takes his hand, and they walk out of the room together, leaving the past behind but carrying its lessons with them. As they head to the mess hall, Bravo scampering along beside them, Y/N feels more at peace than she has in a long time. She knows she's exactly where she's meant to be, and she's ready for whatever the future holds.*


A/N: Sooo double update. I hope you like it

Word count: 1227

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