● Shadows of the Past●

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*Ghost and Y/N moved through the base, the tension palpable in the air. Despite the chaos that had unfolded, there was a strange sense of calm now that Ghost was by her side. Y/N could feel her heart rate slowly returning to normal as they navigated through the maze of hallways, but fear still clung to her, a persistent shadow reminding her of the danger lurking just outside.*

*As they approached the main command centre, the distant sounds of gunfire echoed, but the base had begun to stabilize. Ghost moved cautiously, his eyes scanning every corner, every shadow. Y/N clutched Bravo's collar tightly, her mind racing with thoughts of what had happened and what might still be waiting for them. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still out there, something sinister.*

*Ghost opened the door to the command centre, revealing a scene of organized chaos. Soldiers were working tirelessly, updating their status reports and assessing the situation. The tension in the room was thick, and everyone was aware of the stakes at hand. Ghost stepped inside, and the moment he did, the atmosphere shifted. The soldiers straightened up, recognizing their commanding officer, their faces a mix of relief and concern.*

Ghost says in a commanding voice What’s the status?

*Y/N stood just behind him, feeling the weight of the room settle onto her shoulders. She didn’t understand the jargon they were using, but she could feel the urgency in their voices.*

The Soldiers pointed at the map on the wall* We’ve secured the perimeter, but we’ve received reports of hostiles infiltrating through the east side. We need to regroup and strategize a counterattack.

*Ghost nodded, processing the information quickly. He glanced back at Y/N, his expression softening just for a moment.*

Ghost: Stay close to me, alright? I don’t want you wandering off.

*She nodded, grateful for his protection. Ghost turned back to the soldiers, his demeanour shifting back to that of a leader in a crisis.*

Ghost says to the soldiers Let’s get a team together and push them back. We can’t let them breach the heart of the base.

*As the soldiers began to mobilize, Y/N felt a knot of anxiety forming in her stomach. She wanted to help; she wanted to be brave like Ghost, but she was just a child. She couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness that washed over her, so she remained close to Ghost, watching as he gave orders and rallied his troops.*

*Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a flicker of movement near the far end of the room. Her breath caught in her throat. Was it another intruder? Y/N’s heart raced as she squinted into the shadows, trying to make out what was there. But before she could alert Ghost, a familiar voice broke through the din.*

Soap says stepping into the command centre Ghost! There you are!

*Y/N felt a surge of relief wash over her at the sight of Soap. He looked slightly dishevelled but unharmed, and she rushed toward him, her heart swelling with gratitude.*

Y/N says their voice trembling You’re okay!

*Soap knelt down, pulling her into a quick hug, and she squeezed him tightly, letting the fear and tension of the past few days pour out in that simple gesture.*

Soap says smiling Of course I am! Couldn’t let those buggers take me down that easily, could I?

*Y/N chuckled through her tears, feeling the warmth of their friendship wrap around her like a blanket. Soap stood back up, his gaze shifting back to Ghost, who was busy coordinating the response to the attack.*

Soap:  What’s the situation?

*Ghost explains to Soap  their current position, explaining the intel they had received about the intruders. As they talked, Y/N felt a surge of admiration for the two men. They were strong, brave, and dedicated, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that they were protecting her.*

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