●A New Mission●

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*As the days pass and the base recovers from the recent attack, life begins to settle into a new rhythm. Y/N continues her daily routines, helping where she can and spending time with Bravo, who has become a beloved companion for her and the recruits alike. Despite the calm, there's a sense of anticipation in the air-something big is on the horizon.*

*One morning, Y/N wakes up early, eager to start the day. She carefully feeds Bravo before heading out to the training grounds. As she steps outside, she notices Ghost and Soap huddled together with some other high-ranking officers. Their expressions are serious, and she can tell something important is being discussed.*

*Curious but knowing better than to interrupt, she stays at a distance, watching them with a mixture of interest and concern. After a few minutes, Ghost catches sight of her and beckons her over. Y/N approaches hesitantly, Bravo following close behind her.*

Ghost: Morning, Y/N. We've got a new mission coming up, and it's a bit more dangerous than usual.

*Y/N's heart skips a beat. She knows that missions can be risky, but hearing Ghost acknowledge it makes it feel even more real.*

Y/N: What do you need me to do?

*Ghost smiles at her bravery, kneeling down to look her in the eye.*

Ghost: For this one, you'll stay here at the base. But we're going to need your help making sure everything runs smoothly while we're gone. Can you do that?

*Y/N nods determinedly, understanding the weight of the responsibility she's being given.*

Y/N: I'll make sure everything is okay here. Promise.

*Soap ruffles her hair affectionately.*

Soap: That's our girl. We know we can count on you.

*Over the next few days, preparations for the mission go into full swing. Y/N helps with the small tasks she can manage-cleaning equipment, organizing supplies, and even keeping the morale up among the recruits by organizing little games and activities. Bravo, ever the mischievous kitten, becomes her enthusiastic assistant, often pouncing on stray pieces of paper or batting at loose cords, much to the amusement of everyone around.*

*The day before the mission, Ghost and Soap sit down with Y/N to explain what will happen while they're gone. They tell her who to go to if she needs help and make sure she knows where to find all the important supplies. Y/N listens carefully, absorbing every word.*

Ghost: You'll be safe here, Y/N. The base is well-protected, and there are plenty of people here who will look out for you.

*Y/N nods, her small hand clutching Bravo close to her chest.*

Y/N: I'll be okay. Just promise me you'll come back.

*Ghost and Soap exchange a glance, their expressions softening. Ghost reaches out and gently cups Y/N's cheek.*

Ghost: We promise. You take care of things here, and we'll take care of things out there.

*The next morning, the base is buzzing with activity as the mission team prepares to depart. Y/N stands by the main gate, watching as Ghost, Soap, and the others load up their gear. She waves as they head out, feeling a mix of pride and anxiety as they disappear into the distance.*

*With the team gone, the base feels quieter than usual. Y/N throws herself into her tasks, determined to do her part. She checks in with the recruits, helps in the kitchen, and spends time with Bravo, who seems to sense her unease and stays close by her side.*

*Days pass, and Y/N does her best to keep her spirits up. But as the hours drag on with no word from the mission team, her worry begins to grow. She tries to distract herself by helping the recruits or playing with Bravo, but the nagging fear in the back of her mind is hard to shake.*

*One evening, as she's sitting in her room with Bravo curled up in her lap, there's a sudden knock at her door. Startled, she quickly gets up and opens it, finding one of the officers standing there with a serious expression on his face.*

Officer: Y/N, we've received word from the mission team. They've run into some trouble, but they're still moving forward. We just wanted to let you know.

*Y/N's heart pounds in her chest. She forces herself to nod, trying to stay calm.*

Y/N: Thank you for telling me. They'll be okay, right?

*The officer hesitates, then offers her a reassuring smile.*

Officer: They're strong and experienced. They'll do everything they can to complete the mission and come back safely.

*Y/N nods again, though her worry doesn't entirely fade. As the officer leaves, she closes the door and leans against it, hugging Bravo tightly.*

Y/N: They'll be okay, won't they, Bravo?

*Bravo meows softly, nuzzling against her cheek as if to offer comfort. Y/N takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She knows that worrying won't help, and that she needs to stay strong, just like Ghost and Soap taught her.*

*Over the next few days, Y/N continues her routine, but it's harder to focus with the constant worry gnawing at her. She spends more time in the garden, finding solace among the flowers and the quietness of the space. Bravo follows her everywhere, his presence a small but comforting reminder that she's not alone.*

*Finally, after what feels like an eternity, word comes that the mission team is on their way back. Y/N's heart soars with relief, and she rushes to the main gate to wait for them. As the trucks pull up and the team begins to disembark, she scans the crowd anxiously, searching for Ghost and Soap.*

*When she finally spots them, dirty and tired but very much alive, she breaks into a run, tears of relief streaming down her face. Ghost kneels down just in time to catch her as she throws herself into his arms.*

Y/N: You're back! I was so worried!

*Ghost hugs her tightly, his voice soft and soothing.*

Ghost: We're back, and we're all okay. You did great while we were gone, Y/N. We're proud of you.

*Soap joins them, ruffling her hair affectionately.*

Soap: You held down the fort like a champ. We knew we could count on you.

*Y/N smiles through her tears, feeling a mix of relief, pride, and overwhelming happiness. She looks up at Ghost and Soap, her heroes, and knows that no matter what challenges they face, they'll always have each other to rely on.*

*As they walk back into the base together, Bravo trailing behind them, Y/N feels a deep sense of belonging and purpose. She may be young, but she's a part of this team, and together, they're unstoppable.*


A/N : Hii everyone I can't believe how much this story had gone I thought it wouldn't come this far but your comments have encouraged me to continue so here is a chapter for you I'll be writing another one just give me a few hours I'll post it soon hope you enjoy

Word count:1202

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