●Through the Fire●

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The helicopter blades chopped through the air, the loud, rhythmic sound serving as a constant reminder of their escape. As Ghost and Soap hurried toward the extraction point, Y/N remained huddled against Ghost's chest, her small frame trembling slightly. Though her eyes were open, the fear in them was still raw. She had seen too much, heard too much, for someone so young.

Soap glanced back as they neared the landing zone, his eyes scanning the perimeter while his body remained tense, ready for action. "We’re almost there," Soap says while adjusting his grip on his rifle. His breathing was steady now, though the intensity in his eyes never wavered. "Stay sharp."

Ghost, still holding Y/N tightly, looked down at her, his voice gentle despite the urgency in his movements. "We're going home," he whispers while brushing a loose strand of hair from her face. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, silently seeking the comfort and protection she felt in his presence. The sound of the helicopter grew louder, filling the space around them as they reached the clearing.

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire echoed through the trees, sharp and unexpected. Ghost and Soap immediately ducked, taking cover behind the nearest structure. "Contact!" Soap shouts while raising his weapon, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the tree line for the source of the attack. Y/N clung to Ghost even tighter, her body shaking as the familiar sound of gunfire surrounded them.

Ghost crouched lower, shielding her with his body. "It's going to be okay," Ghost says softly while his hand tightened protectively around her. He glanced at Soap, who had already begun returning fire, his movements quick and practiced, as if he'd done this a thousand times before.

The attackers were hidden in the trees, but the muzzle flashes gave away their positions. Soap took aim and fired several rounds, his breath controlled despite the chaos around them. "We need to move!" Soap says while shifting his position, his back pressed against the wall of the building.

Ghost nodded, his eyes hardening. He looked down at Y/N, who was staring up at him with terrified eyes. "Hold on tight," Ghost whispers while pulling her closer, preparing to run. The sound of gunfire was relentless, but there was no other choice. They had to get to the helicopter.

"Cover me!" Ghost shouted to Soap as he prepared to sprint. Soap gave a quick nod, his rifle already raised and firing toward the trees, keeping the attackers pinned down. Ghost didn’t hesitate. With Y/N in his arms, he bolted toward the helicopter, his boots pounding against the dirt as he moved with urgency.

Y/N buried her face into his chest, trying to block out the sounds, but the rapid bursts of gunfire were too loud, too close. Ghost ran faster, his muscles straining as he pushed forward, each step bringing them closer to safety. Behind him, Soap continued to provide cover, his shots precise and deadly.

Ghost could see the helicopter now, its blades still spinning, ready to take off. But just as they were about to reach it, another round of gunfire erupted, closer this time. Ghost dropped to the ground, rolling to protect Y/N as bullets kicked up dirt around them. He grunted as they hit the ground hard, his body absorbing the impact while keeping her shielded.

Y/N whimpered softly, her fingers clutching his vest as tightly as she could. "Ghost..." she whispers, her voice shaking, barely audible over the gunfire. She was so small, so vulnerable in his arms, but Ghost’s resolve only hardened.

“We’re almost there,” Ghost says through gritted teeth, his heart racing but his focus unshaken. He shifted slightly, keeping her under him as he returned fire, his movements swift and deadly. A few more seconds of chaos, and then suddenly, the gunfire stopped. There was a strange, unsettling silence.

Soap came running up, panting heavily. "Took them out," Soap says while glancing around quickly, making sure there were no more threats. His face was slick with sweat, but his expression was calm, steady. "You good?"

Ghost nodded, standing up with Y/N still in his arms. "Let’s get her out of here," Ghost says, his voice low but filled with urgency. He didn’t wait for a response. Together, they hurried the last few feet to the helicopter.

As they boarded, Y/N still trembling in his arms, the pilot shouted something over the roar of the blades. Ghost barely heard him as he sat down, securing Y/N in his lap and pulling the safety harness over them both. He glanced at Soap, who sat across from him, his rifle still in hand, eyes scanning the area for any last-minute threats.

The helicopter lifted off the ground, and for the first time in what felt like hours, Ghost allowed himself a moment to breathe. Y/N, exhausted and emotionally drained, clung to him, her small body leaning heavily against his. She didn’t say anything—there were no words to describe what she had just been through—but the way she held onto him spoke volumes.

Soap leaned back in his seat, finally allowing himself to relax as well. He glanced at Y/N and then at Ghost, his voice softer now. "She’s tougher than she looks," Soap says while offering a small, weary smile.

Ghost nodded in agreement. "She is," he says while looking down at her, his large hand gently stroking her hair. She had been through so much, more than any child should ever have to endure. But she was strong—stronger than anyone could have expected.

The flight back was quiet, the tension slowly easing as the distant sound of the base came into view. Y/N had fallen asleep again, her small hands still clutching Ghost’s vest as if afraid to let go. Ghost looked down at her, his face softening as he watched her sleep. She looked peaceful, despite everything.

As they landed, a team was already waiting to receive them. Medics rushed over, but Ghost waved them off for the moment. "She’s okay," Ghost says while carefully lifting Y/N out of the helicopter. "Just needs rest."

Soap followed closely behind, his expression unreadable but his body language suggesting relief. "Let’s get her inside," Soap says while glancing at the base, where more soldiers were gathering to ensure everything was secure.

Inside the base, they laid Y/N down on a cot, and Ghost sat beside her, his eyes never leaving her small, sleeping form. Soap stood nearby, arms crossed, his rifle slung over his shoulder. "You did good, Ghost," Soap says while nodding toward Y/N.

Ghost didn’t respond immediately. He was still watching her, his expression unreadable. Finally, he nodded. "She’s safe now," Ghost says while exhaling slowly, the weight of the past few hours finally catching up to him.

Soap sat down across from him, letting out a tired sigh. "Let’s hope it stays that way."

For the first time since the mission began, Ghost allowed himself to relax. Y/N was safe. That was all that mattered.


A/N: wellll anyway here is the updated I promised hope you like it and as requested I will try my best to write another story that is cod x child and maybe other fanfic so get your mind reading ready for more existing story's 😉 😊

Any way I want to thank you all again for reading this story I never thought it would go this far but thanks to you it's where it is now hope you read it till the end.♡

Word count: 1282

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