Lucy gray: singing and dancing
-She tries to teach you how to play a guitar and how to sing.
-you end up sounding horrible but she loves your trying.
-teaches you how to dance and your good at it.
Coriolanus: Skethcing and poem writing.
-Snow loved to sketch and Write poems.
That's how you guys got together he wrote you a poem talking about your eyes.
-he taught you how to draw and you were pretty good.
-he tried teaching you poems and you didn't like it it was boring to you.
Jessup Diggs: Fashion
-You guys always found pieces of clothing and you guys would make shirts and pants and other accessories and dress up.
- you guys would pretend to be each other sometimes and you would steal his clothes.
Mizzen: fishing
-You didn't like it at first but you did like talking to Mizzen.
-so as he fished you guys would talk and eat it after it was done cooking.
-sometimes you guys would play to hard and fall into the water and laugh about it.
Coral: Practicing
-coral always said that you and her need to become stronger so if one of us got into the games we would win.
-we would fight each other but not to hard and sometimes play around and end up looking at the sky or just talking.
Treech: cutting trees.
-the first time you met Treech he was cutting down a tree.
-you guys been dating for 3 years and he loves showing you all the axe tricks and how to cut log, trees and other things.
-he would laugh at you when the axe was a little heavy for you one time.
Lamina: Climbing trees
-Lamina loved climbing and she would always teach you.
-after a few months you got it down and you guys would climb to the top of the tree and stay up there to watch the sunrise or to talk about things.
Bobbin: Jump in leaves.
-bobbin would be serious sometimes but also childish.
-you guys every Monday and Friday you guys would get a lot of leaves and then jump into them playing around in them.
-you guys would pretend you were swimming or other cute things.
Tanner: eating
-you and Tanner could agree on one thing, you both loved eating.
-there wasn't much to eat but fish but I didn't matter you guys would be by the fire place cuddling up eating fish.
-on a walk eating fish.
-talking eating fish.
Brandy: Art
-it always calmed Brady down.
She used some Paint she would find or water, mud or colored things that would show up on the wall, her clothes or a paper.
-she got you into it and when one of you guys are feeling down that's what you guys do art, painting, drawing.
Reaper: talking and cuddles.
-it was hard finding what reaper liked to do but when you guys were in your first date in the woods you guys talked for 4 hours and cuddles by the lake for another 2 hours.
-reaper kept asking you if you would want to cuddle or talk every Friday and Tuesday since that's when you guys didn't have work.