Treech -flirty-

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Y/n pov: *can you guys please vote*
I quickly gathered up some berries that I had found outside of my mother's cabin on a bush.
She asked me to go take it over to her friend Mary's house because it was her birthday and she wanted to bake something.
I rather my mother go do it because Mary's son was treech and we did not get along.
I huffed brushing my pants from the dirt and started walking to Mary's house with the berries in the basket.
Mary's house wasn't far just a 10 minute walk which wasn't a problem. I loved walking outdoors listening to the birds chirp and the wind move around. It was a chilly morning. The sun wasn't out, the wind blowed more.
I finally made it to Mary's house, making my way up the stairs and knocked softly.
It didn't take long for someone to open the door and just my luck it was treech.
"Hmm what are you doing here?" He asked leaning on the door frame with a smirk on his lips. His face was a little dirty his hat was in his hands and his clothes were a little muddy he most just got done working .
"Like what you see Princess?"
He said licking his lips.
I rolled my eyes but couldn't get the butterflies out of my stomach when he called me princess.
But it didn't matter I don't like treech.
"You mother wanted me to bring these blue berries so move."
I showed him the berries and moved him out the way inviting myself inside.
He scoffed before closing the door.
"Where is your mother?" I asked placing the berries on the table.
"What do you care about my mother?"
He asked placing each book that was in the floor on the shelf.
"Well you didn't have to say he so rude."
"I didn't."
"Hmm yeah you did lumber jack." I spat at him before making my way to the door but before I could get to it a hand grabbed mine pulling me away from the door.
"How about you come for dessert, i know your mother would love too."
He said letting go of my hand but this time he didn't smirk he didn't say it rudely and he didn't call me princess.
I thought for a minute. Well I don't got nothing to do but read and clean.
He finally smirk like he knew I was going to say yes.
"Okay well princess you need to be heading come don't want you getting hurt."
He said as his thumb touches my cheek.
I didn't know what was happening but I just started at him as my cheeks starts going red and butterflies started forming inside my stomach.
Did I like treech?
"Aww you blushing." He said with a laugh making me roll my eyes and push his hand away from my face. I huffed out and walked out the house but then treech yell out the door.
"You better come for dessert beautiful."
And with that he closed the door.
Omg did I like treech?!
It was now night time and my mother just had cane  home from work.
"Hey mom."I said placing my book down giving her a hug.
"Hey my love, Mary should be on her way over."
"I thought we were going over to there's."
"Change of plans."
My mother said as she sat up the table.
It was only going to be the four of us so I didn't matter really also Mary and my mom were friends at a young age.
"I'm glad a cleaned up a bit."
I chuckles and went into my room reading the book.
After a bit there was voices down stairs and I sat up in my bed to my door being slowly open,
There stood treech with his hat on.
"Why are you wearing a hat inside?"
I asked as he sat down on the edge of my bed looking around my room.
"It's called fashion princess." He said making me smile.
"Oh I'm making you smile now huh?"
"Shut up why are you in my room?"
I ask going back to my book.
He chuckles before taking the book out my hand.
"Hmm I read this before you wanna know what happens?"
"No. Treech give me my book."
"Come get it." I stood up and held the book up in the air.
Treech was tall but I was smart. I stood up on the bed and tried to get the book. He was shocked that I did that and he moved making me fall off the bed onto him.
I was on his lap as he grip the book as I tried to take it away.
"I just wanna tell you what happens."
He said still not letting the book go.
"I'll read it I'm almost at the last page." I yell back.
"The sister dies and Mya gets with Jackie!"
He  says letting go the book and took me off his lap before laughing while running down the stairs.
Uh he was so childish. I cursed under my breath and threw the book on my bed before going downstairs to see treech, his mother and mine start eating.
"So know one was going to tell me?"
"Treech said he told you."
"Yeah she couldn't hear you guys because of us aggressively making out."
My eyes go wide , Mary chokes on her food while my mom smirks.
"T-that did not happen."
I say turning red as I sit down next to him.
He just laughs with my mother.
After everyone ate Mary and my mother sat down on the couch talking and me and treech went to my bedroom and just sat there in silence before he laid down next to me.
"So what do you wanna do when you get older?"
He asked turning on his side. I did the same and look at him he was really asking me.
"Um well I wanna get out of here of course and .... Well I never thought about it just leave here with someone."
"Same. Like somewhere in a cabin or whatever far away from this place."
He said smiling thinking about his future.
I observed more of his face and notice that treech was pretty cute.
He moved some of his curls away from his face.
He had a few freckles on his cheek and his eyes were beautiful.
Before I knew it treech was leaning in with his eyes closed.
I was shocked but found my self closing my eyes and leaning in.
After closing the gap a felt treech lips move with mine before his hand landed on my cheek then pulling away.
"Hm so you do like me princess." I looked at him and at my celling.
"Well I should be asking you that."
"No I don't like you.... I love you."
I was shocked and my mouth turned into a O shaped and looked at him.
He chuckled and looked down with a frown.
It took me a minute to realize why."I love you too." I say placing my head on his shoulder.
He smiled and cuddled up against me.

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