Chapter 15: Friends💖

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(yenne's pov)

I was walking out of my lecture hall, excited to go to my room and message the boys again. I was humming to myself but I was interrupted by Jenna.
"Yenne! I finally caught you! You haven't spoken to me in days!" She said, holding my hand.
"Yeah, you've been really distant lately," said a familiar voice patting my head. It was none other than Seoha. I felt guilt pour into me as I remembered how I once hung out with them every single day, but almost shut them out completely for over 2 months.

"Haha, yeah I had a pretty major burn out that's all," I said trying to laugh away the guilt.
"A 2 month long burn out?! Why wouldn't you tell me? I was so worried about you but Seoha tried to convince me you were okay," Jenna said, giving me a hug.

I felt so bad. Sure, these people may not have that 'chaotic carefree' vibe, but that's just who they are, and they are good people and the part that makes me feel like a horrible person, these people genuinely care about me and my toxic self really tried to replace them with online friends. As my brain slowly realised how horrible and toxic I had been, tears formed in my eyes and one heavy tear rolled down my cheek.

"YENNE?! you're crying?! What's wrong?! Look at me Yenne," Seoha said, holding my face and making me look up to make eye contact with him. Jenna gave me a back hug, I desperately tried to hold it in but the tears all rolled down and I started sniffling like a baby who dropped her candy.
"I'm so sorry you guys..I'm so sorry," I said in an audible but shaky voice.

"Sorry for what? Being unwell? It's not your fault, so just forget about the past two months!" Seoha said, giving me a hug.
"You don't get it, it is my fault!" I said, hugging both him and Jenna tight. The boys are some of the best people I've ever met, and I wish I never have to end our friendship or drift apart. But that being said, just because I'm friends with them, doesn't mean I can't be friends with Jenna and Seoha too.

I've known Jenna and Seoha since the very beginning of my journey to becoming a doctor. Whenever we had too much work on our hands, the three of us would sit together in the library for hours studying and encouraging eachother to keep going. After lectures, if I said I was hungry or thirsty, Seoha would insist on taking me to the student lounge and buy me coffee or snacks. I can't believe I was about to shut these people out of my life.

In that moment I realised, The boys, Seoha and Jenna, I have 10 friends, and all of them care about me. Why did I ever feel lonely? I should cherish these 10 people while I still can. I wiped my tears, smiled weakly and said, "really, it is my fault, I'm sorry about the past two months, let's start all our old habits again shall we?"

"I'm glad that's the conclusion you came to! Let's finish our record writing in the library together today then, just like we used to," Jenna said, holding my hand and walking.
"Let me buy you a coffee at the student lounge today, I really missed doing that," Seoha said, walking beside us.
"Sure, let's meet after 20 minutes, I'll go back to my room, freshen up and meet you guys," I said, Walking away from them. They nodded and walked away too.

I went to my room, and as I washed my face and got dressed, I opened the group chat.


Stop crying and talk to me child

Hey guys!
What's up?

Lee know and Han were singing and Jeongin was dancing
The rest of us were hyped men

Damn, it sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun

We are haha
How was your day?

My day was very special
I really ignited the friendship between me and my two friends from college.

That's good
Their names?

You're acting like you might know them lmao
Their names are Jenna and Seoha

Ooo one of them is a guy?
How tall is he

Like 5'10

Oh he's my height

How tall are you Yenne??

Hehe I know I'm short af but yeah
I'm 5'5

Oh my god yess
Finally someone shorter than me!

Yeah, like one inch shorter lmao

One inch still counts

K ya'll continue partying
I gtg brush my hair

So suddenly?

I'm meeting Jenna and Seoha at the library for work
And Seoha's gonna buy me coffee before we go to the library

He's buying you coffee?!?
Wait, you sure he's just a friend or are you hiding something?

Dude just cause he buys me coffee doesn't mean we're more than friends!
For god's sake

Mhm sureee~
Be grateful Minho's still singing and hasn't read these messages

He'd probably take his anger out on hyunjin by stuffing tissues in his mouth

Damn he's aggressive
Anyway, I gtg!

Byeee enjoy your date with your 'friend'

Whatever byee


To be continued. . .

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