Chapter 33: Time skip✨

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One year later

Yenne started a call . . .



Do you remember what day it is today?

Is it something important? I don't think today was anything special


You think I'd just forget our anniversary just like that?

*Gasp* yay! What are you planning to do?

What do you want me to do?

Stay on a call with me for the whole day, maybe even a video call, though I'd probably hang up and get dressed up first.

Cute but I have other plans

Like what?

I gotta go, I swear I'll not let you be alone on our one year anniversary, we'll definitely talk later, I just have work right now

It's okay jagi, bye



As soon as Minho hung up, he ran to Chan. "Chan hyung! Today is our anniversary!"
"Ohhh! It's today?" Chan replied from his room. Minho sat next to Chan and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"I wanna do it today," Minho said.
"What?" Chan asked.
"You know!"
"Ohh, you sure?" Chan asked, strongly suggesting a reconsideration.

"Yes I'm sure," Minho said.
"You know how risky it is," Chan said, still hesitant.
"Yes I know, but we've worked so hard the last year and broken so many more records, and we've gotten so much more popular, I believe that it's a good time," Minho said, finally.



Minho started a call . . .


I'm done with the work

Yay! So, what's the plan for today?

Let's meet up

How are we gonna do that?

I'm in Sydney for a reason

Yeah, concert and for filming MV's

It's not a coincidence that my concert and MV shooting is right around our anniversary~~

You think it'll be okay?

Yes! C'mon! Let's meet up at '__' restaurant! Send me your address, I'll pick you up at 8.

Okayy! What if someone sees you?

I'll wear a mask and a hoodie, it'll be fine.

Okay! Love you!

Love you too!


(Yenne's POV)

I was so excited, I started getting ready since 5:00 in the evening. Over the year, me and him had gotten much more comfortable and closer, and I had attended their concerts this year too, I bought all their albums too.

I binged all the SKZ content released just to see Minho's face. Seoha confessed a couple months ago, It pained my heart to not be able to tell him who my boyfriend is. I had to leave it at 'um I have a boyfriend', thankfully he didn't ask who it was anyway.

Sometimes I imagine me telling everyone that my boyfriend was Minho, they'd probably laugh and say 'yeah me too girl, don't we all wanna be his?', and even if they did believe me, the consequences would be pretty bad.

It was finally 7:50pm! I made my way to my apartment gate. Jenna and me were still in touch, we both finished university last year with flying colours, we now work at the hospital from the university as interns. Stray kids were also on fire!

Everyone believes that they're at their peak, but hey, that's what we thought last year but look at them now, I just know they're going to climb to lengths no one imagined!

Exactly at 8:00pm, a pretty black car drove to my gate. I went upto it and was very happy to see the window roll down and reveal Minho! I immediately got into the car and gave him a tight hug! I never thought this day would come!

He froze for a moment, but hugged me back once it settled in. "Did you ever think this day would come?" I said, letting go.
"Yes actually, I was waiting for it," He said, smiling. "C'mon, I have made a good reservation for us," He added, starting the car.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him, yes I had seen him up close before twice, but two times isn't enough to get used to his majestic face. Even his voice sounded a hundred times better in real life. He noticed how I silently stared at him.

"Don't look at me like that!" He whined.
"Like what?" I whined in return.
"I know I look good but I hope you realise, so do you! I can't focus on the road if you look at me like that with those eyes!" He whined, raising his voice and laughing.

I looked away and laughed. Only to look at him again, "I can't help it," I said. Lino was bored in less than 10 minutes of silence.
"Say something! I wanna hear your voice!" He said.
"I don't know what to say!"

I had a great idea. "Sing something for me!" I said. He looked at me as if to say no, but I looked at him like I looked at my mom for chocolate as a kid. He couldn't say no. He sang limbo, to this day my favourite song of his.

His voice sounded heavenly, I closed my eyes, and listened to his mellifluous voice. I didn't even realise when his voice calmed me to sleep.

(Minho's POV)

I finished the last verse and turned to have her reaction and realised she had fallen asleep. I stopped the car for a bit, and looked at her, and took in her beauty. Who would've thought I'd meet her because hyunjin thought her number was jisung's?

I started the car again, realising that the reservation was waiting. I thought to myself just then, that I had indeed made the right decision. I appreciate Chan hyung for letting me do what I wanted to. I can't wait for her reaction to my little anniversary gift.

When we got to the restaurant, my heart did not cooperate with my hands to wake her up. She slept so soundly. I gently shook her awake, feeling guilty as hell. "We're here!"


To be continued. . .

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