Chapter 34: The date

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(third person POV)

Yenne woke up to Minho's beautiful face looking at her through the darkness that filled the car. Her brain didn't quite process the fact that she wasn't dreaming.

She sleepily raised her hand to his face and gently caressed it. He flinched being the not so physically affectionate cat he is. When she realised that it wasn't a dream, she gasped really loud and said, "oh my god! We're here!"

He laughed and said, "took you long enough to realise. Yenne reached for the door but he stopped her, rushed out of the car and opened the door for her.

She blushed, held his hand and got out of the car. When she suddenly realised, his face! She yelled, "mask!"
He calmly said, "oh yeah" and proceeded to wear his black mask, and put on a black hat.

They walked into the restaurant and Yenne's jaw hit the ground. The restaurant was so lavish! She had never eaten at a place like this before!

The waiter took them to their reserved table. And lit the scented candles on the table. Yenne's heart filled with overwhelming happiness.

She picked up the menu, but couldn't focus on it, she watched lee know with big sparkling eyes. He took of his hat to fluff up his hair, and she watched in amusement.

He looked at her and covered his face with the hat as he gently giggled. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, peeking from behind the hat.

Yenne laughed, "you're so cute and handsome at the same time,"
He blushed and picked up the menu. Yenne too, picked up the menu to decide what to order.

They ordered starters and main course and ate away while talking about all the things they wished to tell each other face to face. They ordered ice cream for dessert but Minho ordered a single big cup and two spoons.

They both smiled brighter than the money and stars as a result of the romantic set up.


(Yenne's POV)

The ice cream was so good I could cry! I was very sad when we were done, because this meant that our date had been concluded.

After Minho paid the bill, we made our way to his car. He again opened the door for me, and I got in, still disappointed about the short-lived date.

After he got into the driver's seat, he looked at me, smiled and said, "don't be so sad, the day is not over".
My face immediately lit up and I squealed in joy. "Let's go!" I exclaimed.

He started the car joining in on my cheer. Only after a minute did I realise, I didn't even know where we were headed to. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise!" He said.
"Nooo! Tell me!" I whined.
"Nuh uh," he said, smirking.

I knew he wasn't going to budge, so I decided not to question it anymore. "Can you sing for me again?" I asked. He smiled but refused. "Why?" I asked.

He looked at me, smiled and looked back at the road and said, "I want to hear your voice, not mine"
I got so flustered it's actually embarrassing. I looked at him, and again it hit me, he was gorgeous.

This man was the most elegant, beautiful and kind man I had ever seen. I ran my fingers gently through his hair, and he smiled shyly.

We talked for what felt like forever and three seconds at the same time. I was so happy that time felt like it has stopped, but I was having so much fun that I didn't even notice the passing of time.

The car stopped, and Minho told me to close my eyes. I excitedly closed them. He gently guided me out of the car and walked me towards a bright place.

I felt the light on my eyelids. Then he made me climb one single step, and face a direction where the bright side was towards my right and the dark side was towards my left.

He let go of me, and said "open your eyes".

I opened my eyes to see him infront of me and looked around to see that the beautiful light was coming from a big heart made out of red lights, and on top of a fountain.

It was so beautiful, I looked at him, and he took of his hat and mask. Before I could say anything to question his behaviour, he pulled me into a kiss!

The kiss that felt like it healed a part of my soul. His hands were on my waist, and I closed my eyes and placed mine around his neck.

When we let go and opened our eyes, everything felt different. It felt like I had woken up from a dream. Or rather, fell into a dream. My brain no longer processed anything completely.

That night I couldn't fall asleep.


To be continued. . .

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Sorry for the short and late chapter, school's been keeping me busy haha

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